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Recent content by CodyLtd

  1. CodyLtd

    G6 Advanced Medical Training.

    Brief Summary: I think G6 should be able to get advanced medical training like the Police from the NHS, which once completed allows them to revive people. Detailed Suggestion: G6 are very commonly confronted with people being downed, usually by lesser means such as the night stick and traffic...
  2. CodyLtd

    Report a player - 23 - GTA RP

    You can see in the clip, that you did not just hear the drill, you saw me, said sorry bro, and then started to run when I advanced towards you. You can witness in the clip that at multiple points I was within range to stab you, I just didnt as although you took a while, you eventually stopped...
  3. CodyLtd

    Report a player - 23 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Cody MacCaig Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 23 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 12/23/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1950 What best describes this incident ?: G2.4 Please (in...
  4. CodyLtd

    Report a player - 43 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Cody MacCaig Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 43 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 12/23/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1900 What best describes this incident ?: G2.4 Please (in...
  5. CodyLtd

    Tattoo Shops

    Fair enough
  6. CodyLtd

    Tattoo Shops

    Could be that anyone can do regular biker tattoos, but someone in the lost needs to have the skill to do their custom ones that are locked. Thats actually cooler to me now that I think about it. Also... more gang tats in general is just a good idea to me 😛
  7. CodyLtd

    State of roleplay in the .co.uk

    I spoke with staff and they told me to take it to the forums to discuss. I didnt make this post to argue my report, I made it to start a discussion. From reading the rest of the thread, there is a lot of other people that have similar sentiments as me. Its not that the person I reported did...
  8. CodyLtd

    Tattoo Shops

    Brief Summary: I would like player run tattoo shops. Detailed Suggestion: I would like there to be player run tattoo shops that would work like vehicle upgrades. Where you would put in the order then someone would tattoo you. You could have different tattoo shops able to do different tattoos...
  9. CodyLtd

    State of roleplay in the .co.uk

    I have to agree with the stuff not providing RP. I think that the one thing that annoys me is there is no real reason to go RP. Like the mechanic shops are probably my favourite addition recently, as they are actually needed, and they provide good RP. Other than that, its kind of hard to RP...
  10. CodyLtd

    State of roleplay in the .co.uk

    I fully agree with everything you have stated, and am a bit miffed that I was unable to put my points as well as you xD. I think that the problem in general is that the RP quality recently is like overall lower, there are some people that I have had some of the best experiences ive ever had...
  11. CodyLtd

    State of roleplay in the .co.uk

    I can say that from my experience on both sides that your sentiment is very relatable. I think a good way of putting it is that people need to chill out. Crims need to actually start pulling over and talking, not just blasting or taking cops hostage, and cops need to be able to respond in turn...
  12. CodyLtd

    State of roleplay in the .co.uk

    I appreciate you taking the time to comment. I have discussed with the officer and with admins and this is what I was told to do as I wanted more people to discuss this. The intent of the post was to show an example to what ive been feeling for a long time, its just that recently ive had an...
  13. CodyLtd

    State of roleplay in the .co.uk

    If I am alone in this, then fair enough, im delusional. However if anyone else here has felt that the roleplay has become stale and robotic recently, and that the fun is feeling more like a struggle every day. Then join me, and listen to my rant. I had an experience with the police recently, I...
  14. CodyLtd

    Report a player - Buff Egan - GTA RP

    I was expecting to have a discussion, where the police would ask what I was doing, then I would explain myself, and then we would go from there for how they would want to take it, they may ask for further inspection of the leaflet, they might ask about me driving ignoring traffic laws to hand...
  15. CodyLtd

    Report a player - Buff Egan - GTA RP

    It would seem that you missed the point of the report, if I failed to put my argument across correctly then sorry, I will reiterate it. I have no problem with you not viewing my leaflet, I have no problem with you arresting me, I would have had no problem if you viewed the leaflet then decided...