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Recent content by Drex

  1. Drex

    tHaNk YoU!

    tHaNk YoU!
  2. Drex

    Let me know when you're back from your vacation. I've kept the seat free for your return.

    Let me know when you're back from your vacation. I've kept the seat free for your return.
  3. Drex

    Unban Appeal - 76561198162162308_UB - GTA RP

    No People who threaten to find and kill our players in real life, are not and will never be welcome back here. Bye
  4. Drex

    Unban Appeal - Addo - GTA RP

    In future, you can click the "Edit" button in the bottom-left corner of each post you make. In this case however, no edit is needed, as it'll be declined for lack of effort. I'll explain as to why: - You state that you've matured and learned your lesson; This is great, and something we...
  5. Drex

    Unban Appeal - Addo - GTA RP

    Hello @Addo There was a bit more to your ban than just those two rules; Here's a link to the report that resulted in your ban - it's all explained there, for you to refresh your memory! https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/report-a-player-603-gta-rp.413126/
  6. Drex

    Report a player - 929 - GTA RP

    Hello @yampy After reviewing the evidence, I can tell you the following: - The player that you are reporting did not combat log; Their game crashed. - The player, as he crashed, was up against 3 people; I can only imagine he'd expect the same number of opponents logging back in - but due to...
  7. Drex

    Unban Appeal - jameseylegit - GTA RP

    Hello @jameseylegit What were you doing up until the moment where you fell asleep in front of your PC, which resulted in your character dying? Furthermore; If you were THAT tired, why were you still on the server?
  8. Drex

    Unban Appeal - _dilop_ - GTA RP

    I'm not sure why we are entertaining this anymore at this point. You lie, you use ChatGPT, and when your cooldown is up - you waste it by putting zero effort into your appeal. The answer is no. We do not wish to overturn your permanent ban.
  9. Drex

    Report a player - Marabunta Dom - GTA RP

    Hello @porkchop 79 I understand this may have been a slip of the tongue, but it really cannot happen again! You need to be mindful about what language you use, and ensure you are not using a discriminatory language in future. You've taken responsability for your actions, held your hands up and...
  10. Drex

    Thank you for your generous contribution! 🌹

    Thank you for your generous contribution! 🌹
  11. Drex

    Unban Appeal - sock_umlaut - GTA RP

    You play our server for no more than 9 days (!) and already find yourself permanently banned, for using discriminatory language and meta gaming. You'll have to put more effort into this appeal before we even consider entertaining it - If you can't last 10 full days without catching a ban, why...
  12. Drex

    Unban Appeal - clayton25101 - GTA RP

    Oh, your internet went did it? That's strange, considering you didn't lose connection with our server at all. Combat Logging comes with an automated 1 month cooldown before they can be appealed. Try again 20/06/2024 Denied - Lack of effort.
  13. Drex

    Report a player - 879 - GTA RP

    Keep your comments nice, relevant and respectful - Or you will swiftly lose the ability to comment on this forum
  14. Drex

    Report a player - Unknown - GTA RP

    Hello everyone! Apologies for the long wait on this report, I shall now get this processed! Due to @Charles Vane not being reported in this topic, it will not be dealt with by Staff Leads. I would like to begin by outlining this comment. The Lost MC is a faction, just like Police, G6 and...
  15. Drex

    Unban Appeal - mitchellac15 - GTA RP

    Hello @mitchellac15 - I take it '1233313460419301447' is the Discord ID for your new account. Could you give us the name or ID of the deleted account, so we can cross-reference it with our notes, please.