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Recent content by Eden Nallebjorn

  1. Eden Nallebjorn

    Minigame | Rework

    Go back to the arma 3 days of processing, scroll wheel, process, panick attack for 5 minutes while processing haha. But honestly massive +1 to that idea ive always been very against the server turning back to old arma mechanics like back on altis life but i do think this would make jobs like...
  2. Eden Nallebjorn

    Lantern mc’s home!

    Personally i really like the small mc clubhouse (the 2nd vid in your 1st post) its less obnoxious on the outside so it doesnt stick out as much but still has a really cool interior, I can see some great rp scenarios going on there :)
  3. Eden Nallebjorn

    Lantern mc’s home!

    Love it! always a pleasure bumping into you guys at the motel and around the city would love to see you guys get one of these mlo's :)
  4. Eden Nallebjorn

    Fuel Pumps at Trucking Depo

    I do kinda feel having the timer if anything pushes people to drive more dangerously, taking short cuts instead of turns, not stopping unless they absolutely have to, totaling peoples cars. In general i do think timers just force players to drive more unrealistically cause they have that fear...
  5. Eden Nallebjorn

    Add a tebex store

    I fully understand the need for more development to effectively stay in the race with other servers but i do feel tebex is like selling the servers soul XD its a slippery slope and one wrong addition could massively affect the servers balance, completely destroy a business as you can now donate...
  6. Eden Nallebjorn

    Add a tebex store

    Massive -1 for anything regarding Irl money for ingame items. extra character slots would maybe be nice but thats about where the benfits end in my eyes, if people were able to get these mid tier cars or appartments do they still have to pay for them can they be scrapped?, think of the amount of...
  7. Eden Nallebjorn

    The Marlowe Family

    A New Era After almost a year of two sided dealings, from running the motel and legal representation to turning the motel into a hub for Firearm sales and a safe haven for gangs wishing to hide illicit goods. The Marlowe's found themselves starting to move away from their past of security...
  8. Eden Nallebjorn

    New Forum Backgrounds!

    Wont look the best covered in the middle but you get Silas and Gary looking snazzy staring into your soul atleast haha
  9. Eden Nallebjorn

    Dropping items

    I quite like the idea! but my only concern would be it could possibly end up affecting other scenarios, much like Bmav said, while people shouldnt abuse it there is always people that will, I think another issue is reducing the range could work but then you're causing another issue of, say some...
  10. Eden Nallebjorn

    Ryan Kray

    Had a blast so far running into him at the motel even though our interactions are cut short due to panic buttons haha 10 outa 10 officer
  11. Eden Nallebjorn

    Inventory Access For Whitelisted Gangs

    I refer to my previous statement
  12. Eden Nallebjorn

    Inventory Access For Whitelisted Gangs

    My only input to this would be, cops cant be corrupt within the actual rules of the server meaning their reason for pocket wiping you is usually you've been caught doing a crime they cant sell those items, they are confiscating them and before you say "well XYZ did this" report it or sue their...
  13. Eden Nallebjorn

    Official 10 Year Pin Badge (SOLD OUT)

    Got one ordered :3
  14. Eden Nallebjorn

    Food and Drink System/RP

    An issue on the server will always be, intentional or not people are drawn to what is most convenient or quickest. We found the exact same issue when we were running our motel before refurbishments. Without a benefit people dont have reasons to come down and rp and that shouldn't be the case...
  15. Eden Nallebjorn

    Chamber of Commerce Agent

    I like the idea! I will admit the first 5 months or so running our motel we werent even sure if CoC existed as we had never seen a CoC member haha, My concern with the idea is it could just dilute the issue more and instead of now a CoC member coming to speak to you when theyre free theres now...