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Recent content by idkhub4

  1. idkhub4

    Report a player - Cutlass - GTA RP

    Would love to see the clip and put the matter to rest :)
  2. idkhub4

    Report a player - Cutlass - GTA RP

    hi barry hope all is well this is quite unbelievable to me you state here ' i pulled out my phone and zoomed in as i had seen an individual that was in zipties and incapcitated . i then recognzized this as a member of cutlass due to his tattoos and the hat he always wears '. This is for a...
  3. idkhub4

    Report a player - Cutlass - GTA RP

    Hi any hope your morning is going well I appreciate you submitting the clip here I just have a few things to say regarding the clip . Like we said in QE we would like 3-5 min clip to paint a fuller picture of exactly what was going . I understand that you jumped out your house in mirror park...
  4. idkhub4

    Report a player - Cutlass - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: Aaron smith Reported Players: Cutlass Date: Jun 10, 2024 Time: 10:30 What best describes this incident: Meta gaming + RDM Please (in detail) describe the incident: Firstly I'd like to thank whichever member of the staff team that is reviewing this...
  5. idkhub4

    Pocket Storage House Issue

    Yh it’s the same thing for me just I got on vehicle and it flung me under and through the map ☺️
  6. idkhub4

    Pocket Storage House Issue

    thank you joe now that i know this i will also be sure to be ready to clip incase of a repeat of this situation :)
  7. idkhub4

    Pocket Storage House Issue

    Hey phoenix I’m sorry for the late reply but I was on holiday so I was not checking my inbox. As to the issue it may have been a one time glitch I am not sure of this unfortunately the clip was accidentally deleted from my medal as I was clearing up space in my computer I am sorry for the...
  8. idkhub4

    Pocket Storage House Issue

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Aaron smith Steam ID: 76561199521442851 Date: Mar 23, 2024 Time: 13:17 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Box bike house bug Provide a full description of the bug: Around 12:50 ish i went to my house and put some kevelar and hemp in a box container...
  9. idkhub4

    Report a player - 164 - GTA RP

    https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/1EF2AE0nE6d1fu/d1337nbSCsIt?invite=cr-MSx2V0wsMTk1MTU0NjMwLA i followed 164 to get his id 
  10. idkhub4

    Report a player - 164 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: aaron smith Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 164 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 11/19/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1330 What best describes this incident ?: racism Please (in...
  11. idkhub4

    Report a player - 118 - GTA RP

    yes i'd like to say  it was my first time robbing a police officer .  when kate  anderson dropped here items on the floor  for me i heard a beep and asumed she had set of some sort of alarm notifyig other officers of her situation and so  i was startled and stabbed her . then she clarified to me...