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Recent content by Johnbhoy 1888

  1. Johnbhoy 1888

    Report a player - Molotov, Changaloas, Azteccas - GTA RP

    (G11.2.1) Temporary Groups Temporary groups/alliances, limited to 6 characters, may form between members of different groups for high-quality roleplay reasons. Considered as a separate entity during the scenario, they adhere to the conditions outlined in (G11.2). When you where taken from...
  2. Johnbhoy 1888

    Report a player - Molotov, Changaloas, Azteccas - GTA RP

    Hi Baz appreciate the reponse lad, Firstly dont take personal offense as this report isnt directed towards you solely as an individual this report is a whole due to the actions of molotov, the liason went well and i appreciate you and the other representitives of the azteccas for there maturity...
  3. Johnbhoy 1888

    Report a player - Molotov, Changaloas, Azteccas - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: James Mcann Reported Players: Molotov, Changaloas, Azteccas Date: May 6, 2024 Time: 22:10 What best describes this incident: G2.4 C1.7 G11.2 G1.4 G1.3 Please (in detail) describe the incident: Hi, Firstly thank you to the staff members who will...
  4. Johnbhoy 1888

    Report a player - 1004 - GTA RP

  5. Johnbhoy 1888

    Report a player - 1004 - GTA RP

    I left the scene and headed back to turf on my own I'm unsure if he was left as he was or taken to another location as I went of radio for the night to fly out
  6. Johnbhoy 1888

    Report a player - 1004 - GTA RP

    sorry the link to the evidence was in the wrong format and im unable to edit the post for some reason https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/2coJSRjKP_dcnF/d1337H6fmgQW?invite=cr-MSxzbjQsMjEzOTM2NzA1LA
  7. Johnbhoy 1888

    Report a player - 1004 - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: James Mcann Reported Players: 1004 Date: May 11, 2024 Time: 00:00 What best describes this incident: NVL Please (in detail) describe the incident: we downed a chipeone took him to dogy doctor when he got revived the only command he listened to was...
  8. Johnbhoy 1888

    Report a player - Mara (I didn't get any ids) - GTA RP

    No problem anything you need me for il be here mate
  9. Johnbhoy 1888

    Report a player - Mara (I didn't get any ids) - GTA RP

    I don't as I did not think it was relevant at the time as there was no ooc messages to indicate he was unhappy
  10. Johnbhoy 1888

    Report a player - Mara (I didn't get any ids) - GTA RP

    i was the one who executed you firstly this report is over 24hours from the incident which should be delivered within 24 hours, secondly thanks for reaching out ooc to liase, thirdly moving on to the accusations against me, for context vagos have been trying to get a war out of us for a good few...
  11. Johnbhoy 1888

    Compensation Request - Johnbhoy 1888 - GTA RP

    Character Name: james mcann Character ID: 81298 Steam ID: 76561198453167094 Game: GTA RP Date: Jan 1, 1970 Please Provide Full Details: i placed cones and barriers to close down the fuel station whilst maintaining an order then once i had placed the items i go into the shop then when i come...
  12. Johnbhoy 1888

    Report a player - 251 then 256 - GTA RP

    Hi jesse as stated in my initial report i dont run clipping software and had to take a random screen shot just for the report to get put up as evidence link is a required field which i dont have physical evidence for would be more relying on logs if possible. I appreciate your time.
  13. Johnbhoy 1888

    Report a player - 251 then 256 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: James Mcann Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 251 then 256 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 11/18/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1250 What best describes this incident ?: combat...
  14. Johnbhoy 1888

    Change dodgy doctor so there is 100% success rate when accepting

    +1 i agree the percentage should rise when it comes to it being effective surgery although he is a dogy dr he is still medically trained and will still be able to make his equipment sterile and use things such as hibiscrub to clean his patients wounds which would sterelise the wound and...
  15. Johnbhoy 1888

    aim sight broken

    I will give it a try once back on appreciate both your help.  It fixed it through the f1 menu thanks again