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Recent content by KearnW

  1. KearnW

    2 Steps behind...

    2 Steps behind...
  2. KearnW

    Report a player - Cutlass helicopter driver (sorry no ID) - GTA RP

    So you arent in Cutlass, okay, thank you. With that being said you shouldn't be flying over Pirus turf for Cutlass unless you are in the F6, could be seen as teaming, anyways you were shot at in that buzzard because you were dropping people off on towers who were watching us from afar with...
  3. KearnW

    Report a player - Cutlass helicopter driver (sorry no ID) - GTA RP

    Just a quick add on to things that I’ve already said, I’ve also been told that you aren’t even in cutlass so I’m just curious to this and wondering if you could clear it up for me, cheers
  4. KearnW

    Report a player - Cutlass helicopter driver (sorry no ID) - GTA RP

    I dont know what you think a revenge report is pal, but like i said i believe it to be a clear rule break so now i have reported it, there is no revenge behind it?
  5. KearnW

    Report a player - Cutlass helicopter driver (sorry no ID) - GTA RP

    As my right, i do not need to take you to QE also i already knew you had no clip so there was no point in talking it out if i believe this to be a clear rule break, which i do.
  6. KearnW

    Report a player - Cutlass helicopter driver (sorry no ID) - GTA RP

    This report is up, not because you shot at us, because it seemed like you on purpose flew into us, in response to us shooting at you, we didnt but thats an rp issue and not the reason for the report.
  7. KearnW

    Report a player - Cutlass helicopter driver (sorry no ID) - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: Kearn Welsh Reported Players: Cutlass helicopter driver (sorry no ID) Date: Apr 24, 2024 Time: 19:40 What best describes this incident: Fail Driving and NVL Please (in detail) describe the incident: Cutlass and Pirus have been at it for the last few days...
  8. KearnW

    Report a player - pirus (i don't have ids) - GTA RP

    I dont know why NVL claims are going on when this was a completely different situation which was resolved with everyone involved, seems like a revenge report to me to be honest and im fed up with my name being brought into things which have either nothing to do with the situation or are just...
  9. KearnW

    Report a player - 235,346,277,248 n other members of PIRUS - GTA RP

    I'm not being funny yeah, what you expect when yous have members running their mouths, no i dont have clips of it cause i dont clip pointless stuff. Logs will show i didnt shoot im sure, and i turned up from bungalows side, i was in food delivery car at the time, left it at grove street and ran...
  10. KearnW

    Report a player - 235,346,277,248 n other members of PIRUS - GTA RP

    I see i have been reported here as i am 277, Just want to say i turned up to the situation later as i was doing something else, lads said yous were getting lippy and thats what happened looking at the clips. I didnt "bait" and nor did any of the lads that were there, they asked a question and...
  11. KearnW

    Report a player - pirus (i don't have ids) - GTA RP

    Good afternoon, I see my name in this report and since it is I will reply. I'd like to start off by saying that I never once spoke close enough to jimmy for him to hear that I was involved in that situation, I heard you speaking, and I know what your character looks like and dresses like as...
  12. KearnW

    Report a player - 111,112,283 some others. - GTA RP

    Like I’ve said in all the other replies to “I don’t understand this report”, it’s stated clearly in the rule so if this is high quality role play to you then fair enough. As for telling me what I saw, you say multiple people had guns out, it took me to watch back the clips to see someone had...
  13. KearnW

    Report a player - 111,112,283 some others. - GTA RP

    Just want to make it clear I did not shoot at you and can’t comment on the fact he pulled a gun out. However I can comment on the fact that you knew someone was going to come, does that give you the right to say hands up straight away? Doesn’t seem like any RP was wanted to be given, at that...
  14. KearnW

    Report a player - 111,112,283 some others. - GTA RP

    looking back the clip yeah i seen 1 man with a gun out, at that point im pretty sure the "robbing" was done as you were all out of the mines. we couldn't have played it any differently as the first thing said was hands up. we are going in circles here, to me its a clear rule break and we all...
  15. KearnW

    Report a player - 111,112,283 some others. - GTA RP

    Couldnt agree less. As you see in the clip he had the gun out but one of you pointed one first, and if you look very carefully both shot at the same time. As for me not saying anything, at that point gun had been pointed at on of my boys and shooting had started before i even had a bat in my...