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Recent content by KiloC

  1. K

    Report a player - 323 - Unknown Vagos - GTA RP

    "I must say its very hypocritical to say the least, Would you agree? This is why I have the feeling this report has Ill-Intent." What is hypocritical about understanding that a rule break has been committed? "As long as it isn't in 'these' clips its alright then Mr Kilo? I suppose it's...
  2. K

    Report a player - 323 - Unknown Vagos - GTA RP

    "You keep referring back to saying this? Only your POV Mr Kilo shows yourself aiming a weapon" With both of the clips provided, it shows that two guns were aimed at you while you were on the ground. You took no time to assess the situation and knew before you were revived that you were going to...
  3. K

    Report a player - 323 - Unknown Vagos - GTA RP

    "Mr toe was the only person In my screen/eyes/POV that had a weapon out?" It's suspicious to me that you had a clip of this and yet decided to delete it. You drew your gun immediately after being revived, while still on the ground, and already had two guns pointed at you as shown in both clips...
  4. K

    Report a player - 323 - Unknown Vagos - GTA RP

    You keep trying to deflect from the fact that you had no intention of roleplaying at any point during this scenario. You were requested to QE and coincidentally deleted your POV of the situation afterward. You had the knowledge that all three members of Cutlass in that room were armed. As seen...
  5. K

    Report a player - 323 - Unknown Vagos - GTA RP

    You were surrounded by three armed members of Cutlass with more outside. You didn't value your life with TWO guns pointed at you after you had been revived and rolled around the place like you're John Wick, failing to acknowledge any injury to your character. This, in my opinion, is clear cut...
  6. K

    Report a player - 323 - Unknown Vagos - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: Kenny Lake Reported Players: 323 - Unknown Vagos Date: Jun 12, 2024 Time: 08:00 What best describes this incident: NVL, NLR Please (in detail) describe the incident: After a fight between Cutlass and Vagos, 323 was taken to the dodgy doctor and revived...
  7. K

    Report a player - 568 cutlass kilo - GTA RP

    "And even if there was more context witch there wasn't" You disregard the fact that he was threatened with being shot and that's the reason Caz initially walked away from the conversation which you do not present in your clip. You are blatantly lying about there being no context as a three...
  8. K

    Report a player - 568 cutlass kilo - GTA RP

    You keep saying there is more context to this but fail to provide any sort of proof to show this. You can see from the clip that you posted that this isn't the entirety of this conversation. Logs will also be able to show that there was a hostile interaction between our groups roughly thirty...
  9. K

    Report a player - 568 cutlass kilo - GTA RP

    I notice that you have intentionally failed to provide any context to this situation and you have also provided a three minute clip from a scenario that was much, much longer. "I was down at the arcade having a chat with cutlass regarding a matter to do with the Chippiones and Cutlass." I...
  10. K

    Report a player - Multiple Cutlass (Mainly Barry C) - GTA RP

    Cutlass arrived at Dutch London to tax as a result of an ongoing beef with Aztecas, which have resulted in multiple shootouts between the groups and various back and forths on tweedle. From my understanding, while Grove were losing the war to Ballas, they gave the turf to Aztecas so that it...
  11. K

    Report a player - (CUTLASS) 928, 732, 930, 577, 688, 897, 716, 904 - GTA RP

    "Hi! So- I'm glad you are talking about this being a robbery. Why was nothing taken from us? I had my hands raised and was entirely compliant the full situation, and out of zipties due to being allowed food and water. You could've taken the items I had on me at any point, but didnt. So please...
  12. K

    Report a player - (CUTLASS) 928, 732, 930, 577, 688, 897, 716, 904 - GTA RP

    "Essentially, I appreciate you are on the backfoot here and don't want to be banned, so let me also explain the following:" Your attitude is very telling on this report of the result that you want. You weren't robbed because the roleplay story had progressed to that point. After realising you...
  13. K

    Report a player - (CUTLASS) 928, 732, 930, 577, 688, 897, 716, 904 - GTA RP

    I'll wait to see if staff have any additional questions for me as I believe the rules are clearly outlined. You can interpret it as a Firm v Cutlass issue, but you were a robbery target and whatever happens from there is a roleplay process.
  14. K

    Report a player - (CUTLASS) 928, 732, 930, 577, 688, 897, 716, 904 - GTA RP

    "Here in this video, you shoot a member of cypress for talking post a gunfight at AE. From the date of this clip, if staff are taking this into consideration, I ask that damage logs are checked to see if Autumn was shot, or shot any members of Cypress (and Cutlass, as crossfire can happen)...
  15. K

    Report a player - (CUTLASS) 928, 732, 930, 577, 688, 897, 716, 904 - GTA RP

    I asked as a way to make it easier as I've been looking through and have not been able to find it. I'll keep looking though.