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Recent content by Macca

  1. Macca

    Compensation Request - Macca - GTA RP

    Character Name: John Wittenberry Character ID: 79716 Steam ID: 76561199151117199 Game: GTA RP Date: May 30, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: Found a hatchet while searching a bin, I've been informed that they shouldn't have been broken, putting in a comp to see if i can get a fresh one...
  2. Macca

    Compensation Request - Macca - GTA RP

    Character Name: John Wittenberry Character ID: 79716 Steam ID: 76561199151117199 Game: GTA RP Date: May 30, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: marksman pistol i received is bugged with no durability's due to coding errors Link(s) To Any Evidence...
  3. Macca

    Unban Appeal - Macca - GTA RP

    during the time of it happening yes i was in the same call as Jake, we were talking to each other during it and Jake knew where i was, as much as it looked like a coincidence it wasn't, ill hold my hands up and say i meta gamed no denying it like i did in the last appeal i made 
  4. Macca

    Unban Appeal - Macca - GTA RP

    i would still like to continue with the unban appeal
  5. Macca

    Unban Appeal - Macca - GTA RP

    Evening @Charles Vaneticket number is fivem-21239
  6. Macca

    Unban Appeal - Macca - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for Macca  In-game Name: John Wittenberry Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199151117200 Ban ID: !!rpuk14409!! Reason given for your ban: metagaming (G3.1) In your own words, please type why you think you were banned...
  7. Macca


    spoken like a champ, well said gibby 
  8. Macca

    Unban Appeal - Macca - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for Macca  In-game Name: John Wittenberry Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199151117200 Ban ID: !!rpuk14409!! Reason given for your ban: Banned on assumption of metagaming In your own words, please type why you think you were banned...
  9. Macca


  10. Macca

    Compensation Request - Macca - GTA RP

    i dont have the original video from this as i use medal, i clipped it down to the bits needed, i was told by another staff member what i had would be enough for a comp request, from the clip i had shown, violet had revived me mid air and as seen i died as i hit the floor, violet didn't revive me...
  11. Macca

    Compensation Request - Macca - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: John Wittenberry Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199151117200 Character ID: 79716 The date when this happened: 10/25/23 Please provide full detail and evidence: got taken to pillbox, a officer accidently began escorting me and one other and as seen on video...
  12. Macca

    Report a player - 525,513,520,551,627,454 - GTA RP

    change to this response, i have the full liaison will provide evidence shortly  
  13. Macca

    Report a player - 525,513,520,551,627,454 - GTA RP

    Afternoon Liam here is a longer clip of the Liaison with Sean:  This is all that was spoken about "hop on" in the liaison as you can see Sean says people got on for 5:30 with no announcement but to be honest this seems a little weird for 10 plus people to get on with war cars and guns to push...
  14. Macca

    Report a player - 525,513,520,551,627,454 - GTA RP

    From this point onwards I'm gonna be leaving this up to staff, i have nothing more to add to this 
  15. Macca

    Report a player - 525,513,520,551,627,454 - GTA RP

    As seen in this screenshot you Sean and Curtis all at a dodgy where you die, we held Sean and Curtis for a lot longer after this, we took the time to take them to a hair dressers and take them back to turf which is still the same situation nothing has changed, its not like Sean and Curtis were...