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Moonsie's latest activity

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    Moonsie replied to the thread Unban Appeal - Moonsie - GTA RP.
    I changed the passwords, also told my brother he couldn't use my account anymore and he was fine with it he didn't care. And other then...
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    Moonsie replied to the thread Unban Appeal - Moonsie - GTA RP.
    Helloo, thankyou for your respond. Do you have FULL access and control of this account? : Yes he doesn't have access or control of it...
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    Moonsie replied to the thread Unban Appeal - Moonsie - GTA RP.
    Hello, everything is good thank you i hope ur also doing great. So like i said that was a 1 time thing that he wanted to play FiveM...
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    Moonsie replied to the thread Unban Appeal - Moonsie - GTA RP.
    Rule C2.3 is not flying out the city when being in a rp situation, like getting killed or getting arrested. This rule is important...
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    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Moonsie Lightt Steam ID: 76561198402995403 Ban ID (just the numbers): 16430 Ban Reason: C2.3 Why do...