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Recent content by waizmilk

  1. waizmilk

    NPAS Thermals

    All I’m seeing is that without thermal that NPAS is being compared to a drone. I would’ve thought the main role for NPAS would be aiding in pursuits hence the ability to lock on to vehicles (even that ability I don’t like). If you do like to compare it do a drone and can actively pursure a...
  2. waizmilk

    Stock Market Script

    I’ve seen plenty of posts on the forum regarding this however little have links and are just mere suggestions, however this one I will include the relevant links to the post. I would like to see a Stock Market of some sort added in order to add an additional way of making money legally. Some...
  3. waizmilk

    Illegal Hunting

    +1 I like the thought out RP potential from this as it would allow rangers to be active and physically looking for people doing wrong. On the other hand it also offers the leather market to become more flexible as it is quite scarce at the moment as this would be created with the amount of...
  4. waizmilk

    Police panic buttons.

    +1 There is no RP to the police panic button just a quick keybind and before you know it 10 police cars are knocking on your door. I think either a continuous hold which puts the character in a radio animation, a noise which can be recognised when a panic has been pressed or simply saying that...
  5. waizmilk

    Crosshair X and other easily abused 3rd Party apps

    The police are just as much a gang as the others whether you see it that way or not.
  6. waizmilk

    Crosshair X and other easily abused 3rd Party apps

    From my poll the majority use crosshairs so with your idea you’d be punishing the majority for a little mark on their screen. This post has the most downvotes I’ve personally seen so the proof is in the pudding at this point. This post is just completely satire now.
  7. waizmilk

    Crosshair X and other easily abused 3rd Party apps

    I didn’t want to put my 50 pence in but I will. You say the majority who have responded are gangs on the contrary the majority that have up voted this are police. In your first line you talk about fairness. Police get the best guns, the best armour, the best cars all for the low low price of £0...
  8. waizmilk

    Crosshair X and other easily abused 3rd Party apps

    Exactly, quick Shift, Alt, Z and it’s as if it was never there in the first place.
  9. waizmilk

    Crosshair X and other easily abused 3rd Party apps

    https://smartpolls.co.uk/p/58980 I am against the idea as it should not be considered an exploit or unfair advantage as anyone can buy CrosshairX, use the integrated FiveM crosshair, monitor crosshair or a bit of bluetac. The benefit of a crosshair is for the individual using it and nothing...
  10. waizmilk

    Incorporate Vangelico Jewellery

    That's good to hear. Thank you for the reply 🙂
  11. waizmilk

    American Flags on Vespucci Beach

    Steam ID: 76561198112704840 Character ID: 87570 When did this happen: 02/17/24 Summary: American Flags on Vespucci Beach Full Description: American flags on Vespucci beach lifeguard towers. Rule Britannia. Images / Video's https://i.imgur.com/5eo3cit.jpg
  12. waizmilk

    Incorporate Vangelico Jewellery

    Vangelico Jewellery seems to not be in current use (from my knowledge). Therefore, I would propose an idea that would incorporate Vangelico with panning/digging or metal detecting of some sort.  For example you can pan/dig or metal detect on the beach as usual finding the usual "trash" as well...
  13. waizmilk

    Stuck in motorhome after delivery.

    Steam ID: 76561198112704840 Character ID: 87570 When did this happen: 02/09/24 Summary: Stuck in motorhome after delivery. Full Description: I was doing a delivery to the motorhome near Taxi (House 1024) when I delivered the food I was then teleported into said house with no means of...
  14. waizmilk

    Unban Appeal - waizmilk - GTA RP

    Good evening Danoo. I hope you had a pleasant weekend. Many thanks for the reply. I hope this is understandable from my perspective and I apologise for any inconveniences in advance.
  15. waizmilk

    Unban Appeal - waizmilk - GTA RP

    Good evening Danoo, It is unfortunate the result of this has followed with further punishment that I was not expecting. I was hoping for a chance of redemption at this point to prove I can do right with Bill.  Edit - With all due respect and in the nicest way possible. Please could I have...