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  1. Tyson Blake

    Compensation Request - Tyson Blake - GTA RP

    Character Name: Tyson Blake Character ID: 34512 Steam ID: 76561198081180853 Game: GTA RP Date: May 21, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: Transporting guns, dropped a storage box to place them and the car just deletes Itself. Made a ticket with the clip, If It's still open. Ticket-23706...
  2. Tyson Blake

    Compensation Request - Tyson Blake - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Tyson Blake Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198081180853 Character ID: 34512 The date when this happened: 10/27/23 The time when this happened: 19:30? Please provide full detail and evidence: Went Into my car after getting back to turf, tried to take my...
  3. Tyson Blake

    Compensation Request - Tyson Blake - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Tyson Blake Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198081180853 Character ID: 34512 The date when this happened: 05/07/23 Please provide full detail and evidence: Server bug happened where If you pulled a gun you'd lose the ammo, didn't get It back after...
  4. Tyson Blake

    Compensation Request - Webbers246 - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Tyson Blake Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198081180853 Character ID: 34512 The date when this happened: 11/17/22 Please provide full detail and evidence: Driving back to turf with a Sig, forgot I was also carrying a Tommy and so when I took my bag off It...
  5. Tyson Blake

    Police attending Pharmacy Robbery chase

    Unsure on everyone's names, so I'll just let you drop a comment If you attended. There was an active chase from a pharmacy robbery, It Involved 3 Ballas. I just want to praise you all for not just shutting It down straight away, especially whoever was driving the Interceptor. You were a star...
  6. Tyson Blake

    Impounding via Mechanic Options

    Since the most recent update with the eye and having to Interact with your job this way. It's become an Increasing problem where you need to either pop your head to attach the vehicle, or you might have to pop your head to dettach thus resulting In you always losing your job and the time you...
  7. Tyson Blake

    Compensation Request - Webbers246 - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Tyson Blake Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198081180853 The date when this happened: 12/28/21 Please provide full detail and evidence: Went to casino, put 50k down. Took my money but gave no cards. Link to any evidence...
  8. Tyson Blake

    Mining Revamp

    Brief Summary: Time after time I find myself on a daily In the mine gathering resources. But It's now become an annoying task to complete since running up and down the mine In a jogging state makes the process longer just because of running stuff out to your vehicle. I'd like to propose a few...
  9. Tyson Blake

    NHS Alan & Two Officers

    Was casually driving through Legion when I managed to get bonneted by a police cruiser doing like 80. I didn't manage to get the names of the two officers but the entire RP timeline was some really good RP. Very much enjoyed even If I ended up almost paralysed. Good stuff and thankyou to all...
  10. Tyson Blake

    Compensation Request - Webbers246 - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Tyson Blake Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198081180853 The date when this happened: 08/12/21 Please provide full detail and evidence: Went to go Into my safe to grab a Sawn Off with 50 shots but It seems to have magically disappeared, I'm pretty damn...
  11. Tyson Blake

    List of suggestions for events, jobs and trading.

    Brief Summary: Just a few Ideas that could create and promote real good RP or make your day to day character life more motivating.  Apologies If some of these have been suggested before, I'm just spitballing here tbh. Detailed Suggestions: - Boosted salary for jobs especially Police/NHS to try...
  12. Tyson Blake

    Beach House with only one floor accessible

    Hello so I'm not sure If this will either be scrapped and me given a warning or If It's an actual bug that just got missed. Apologies If I'm In the wrong here. I was curios to know If It would be possible to be able to have the entirety of the property as the actual property opposed to just the...
  13. Tyson Blake

    Phone App for seller feedback

    There should be a phone app where you can be vouched for to become listed as a trusted seller or even a middleman for things, kinda like how you leave a review on TripAdvisor or whatever malarky you would use. Pros:  Could help prevent alot of scams Cons: Cannae think of owt Does this...
  14. Tyson Blake

    Speed Limiter Instead of Cruise Control

    Just a thought. Not sure If this has already been mentioned but Is there any possibility of having a max speed limiter set on cars Instead of constantly toggling cruise so you literally cannae go over a certain speed. Obviously takes away from the responsibility of not speeding, but sometimes...
  15. Tyson Blake

    Any Houses for sale anywhere?

    I'm In dire need of a place to chill and even more Importantly somewhere for storage, If anyone knows of anywhere cheap-ish that would be much appreciated Information. 441-836