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  1. _rimin_

    Boxing event

    Hello developers. Me and my mates have had a idea to host a boxing event. What I ask from the developers is if you could turn the laser lights off and turn them into spotlights that shine down towards the middle of the boxing area, A few benches around the fences for people to sit down and a few...
  2. _rimin_

    Report a player - 867 - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: emil roche morris Reported Players: 867 Date: May 13, 2024 Time: 01:30 What best describes this incident: RDM Please (in detail) describe the incident: Me and my mate were driving around and we were just messing around brake checking, and the other guy...
  3. _rimin_

    Report a player - 794 - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: emil roche morris Reported Players: 794 Date: Apr 15, 2024 Time: 23:17 What best describes this incident: VDM Please (in detail) describe the incident: tried to speak with the guy but he just continuiously attempted to hit me with his car and succeeded...
  4. _rimin_

    Report a player - kyle and natalie and mazza - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: emil roche morris Reported Players: kyle and natalie and mazza Date: Mar 14, 2024 Time: 20:56 What best describes this incident: third party application used to communicate Please (in detail) describe the incident: me and my friend devon saw kyle selling...
  5. _rimin_

    Report a player - kyle and natalie - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: emil roche morris Reported Players: kyle and natalie Date: Mar 14, 2024 Time: 20:56 What best describes this incident: third party application used to communicate Please (in detail) describe the incident: me and my friend devon saw kyle selling cocaine...