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  1. OllieWollie

    Report a player - 26 - GTA RP

    Unfortunately my footage corrupted however i do remember it being 26
  2. OllieWollie

    Report a player - 26 - GTA RP

    Hi Staff, I am Ollie Wollie in the sorting hat in this situation. We did also invite the man who NVL'd to QE and sat there for around 20 minutes however he did not respond/join. please feel free to message me if i can assist any further
  3. OllieWollie

    Unban Appeal - FaZeDoritos - GTA RP

    Obviously looking back on it now it was a pure act of idiocy and of course wont happen again. It was not realistic by any means and caused nothing but annoyance for all people involved. I plan to once again get in touch with the community and continue on with helping newer people. Making bonds...
  4. OllieWollie

    Unban Appeal - FaZeDoritos - GTA RP

    im not too sure how to quote on here however i'll talk through all the questions one at a time 1. Talk you through the situation in as much detail as possible it was quite late at night if i remember correctly. I had previously been stealing police cars throughout the day to use to pull people...
  5. OllieWollie

    Unban Appeal - FaZeDoritos - GTA RP

    (G6) Emergency Buildings - Loitering around emergency buildings (Police Stations, Fire Stations and Hospitals) without a valid roleplay story is not allowed. This rule is in place to make sure the roleplay on the server is more natural, rather than police being forced to enter RP with people...
  6. OllieWollie

    Unban Appeal - FaZeDoritos - GTA RP

    Sorry about my slow reply and hope I haven’t wasted too much time. So from reading the previous appeal along with the replies I can say that I ran in to a police station, attempted to steal a vehicle in front of a lot of police officers (fail rp) and then I also decided to ram in to vehicles in...
  7. OllieWollie

    Unban Appeal - FaZeDoritos - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for FaZeDoritos  In-game Name: Ollie Wollie Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198127608202 Ban ID: !!rpuk11366!! Reason given for your ban: G.6 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for entering a police station and stealing a vehicle, While...
  8. OllieWollie

    Unban Appeal - FaZeDoritos - GTA RP

    I drove the car up the stairs of the car park in PD and tried to fit it down the small walkway. Usually Cars fit down here however in this instance the car was too wide to fit through
  9. OllieWollie

    Unban Appeal - FaZeDoritos - GTA RP

    I am sorry phoenix however this is the full story start to finish. I snuck over in to the police station car park and ran past a group of officers and stole a car. I then got the car stuck and proceeded to run away from a large group of officers, leading me in to legion square at which point my...
  10. OllieWollie

    Unban Appeal - FaZeDoritos - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for FaZeDoritos  In-game Name: Ollie Wollie Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198127608202 Ban ID: !!rpuk11366!! Reason given for your ban: G.6 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for loitering in the police station, i stole a police car in...
  11. OllieWollie

    Unban Appeal - FaZeDoritos - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for FaZeDoritos  In-game Name: Ollie Wollie Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198127608202 Ban ID: !!rpuk11366!! Reason given for your ban: G.6 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Loitering around emergency buildings without a valid roleplay story is not...
  12. OllieWollie

    Report a player - 241 - GTA RP

    If admins would like to also go back on the VOD and compare me in the chat to when I was on the server you’re more than welcome. Once again a severe exaggeration from this man as whenever I am in his stream/chat I ALWAYS begin with “I’ve left the server now btw” just to remove these kind of...
  13. OllieWollie

    Report a player - 241 - GTA RP

    Seeing as @GW1LYMhasn’t responded I would like to add that the clip first used for this report is highly edited and further on the stream having watched it back, him and another man were talking OOC in game saying I need to be banned for VDM (which isn’t a rule, unlike RVDM). Having seen this...
  14. OllieWollie

    Report a player - 241 - GTA RP

    Having known that this was coming, I’d like to add my say in to this incident. VDM is not a ban-able offence on this server when you have good reason and it is within RP. If I had hit you off of your bike with no previous interactions in the 15 minutes before, that would’ve been RVDM, however...
  15. OllieWollie

    New cars

    Some compact custom cars would be great for us broke boys FORD KA FIAT 500 pros: more cars  cons : dev work
  16. OllieWollie

    Roulette wheel in casino

    +1 however I would say maybe a poker table where players can play against each other rather than only luck based games, that way things like tournaments could be organised where everyone puts in big amounts of money and the outcome depends a bit more on skill
  17. OllieWollie

    Unban Appeal - FaZeDoritos - GTA RP

    Of course I am happy for my persons belongings that I had on me at the time to be wiped. moving forth to begin with I’ll try and RP my way out of being killed in the first place, but in the event that does happen, like you said it’s best to roleplay the situations right up until the very end...
  18. OllieWollie

    Unban Appeal - FaZeDoritos - GTA RP

    Sorry I just realised I posted my response inside of the quote, I hope you’re able to still make sense of what I’ve said! I look forward to hearing from you!
  19. OllieWollie

    Unban Appeal - FaZeDoritos - GTA RP

    (C2.3) Combat logging - Logging out at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst...
  20. OllieWollie

    Unban Appeal - FaZeDoritos - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for FaZeDoritos  In-game Name: Ollie Wollie Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198127608208 Ban ID: !!rpuk9841!! Reason given for your ban: C2.3 (Combat Logging) In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned due to leaving mid RP. Although i was dead i...