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  1. KCAJ

    Report a player - 1259 - GTA RP

    You have an paramedic character in which I don't doubt you provide some decent RP on, I was on the server having a laugh with you, in which you took it the wrong way, called me a "little bitch" to which I referenced that I was a previous member of 229, a well known criminal organisation, (not...
  2. KCAJ

    Unban Appeal - KCAJ - GTA RP

    I agree to these conditions.  I won't be here again, thank you for giving me the chance,  As I said in the conversation I can roleplay and provide positivity to the server, and over the next few months I will be able to show this through my actions, the conditions will not affect it.
  3. KCAJ

    Unban Appeal - KCAJ - GTA RP

    Since the ban I took myself away from everything, I was in the dark with everything. Ron's video was something that I didn't know was posted until recently, there was some conversation about making something like that when the first bans were handed out, but very shortly after my ban I left...
  4. KCAJ

    Unban Appeal - KCAJ - GTA RP

    Currently I wouldn't class myself as being a part of their friendship group, I am in the discord, It is not something that I spend my time conversating in or checking that often to be honest, I saw the ordeal with the bans, some thoughts as to why. Cheating is a potential reason for some bans...
  5. KCAJ

    Unban Appeal - KCAJ - GTA RP

    To be honest with you sammy, as much as I know 229/SeaSide has been disbanded the intricate details as to why is something that I am not entirely sure of, and the people that you are talking about yes I am aware of. Without knowing the full details of what has happened I can't give you an...
  6. KCAJ

    Unban Appeal - KCAJ - GTA RP

    Hi Sammy,  As for the question why then? In all honesty, I had nothing left to lose really, the gang that I had spent 2 years building up with the help of others had basically gone, friends that I have known for a long time and some that are nothing to do with the RPUK community banned, it...
  7. KCAJ

    Unban Appeal - KCAJ - GTA RP

    Good evening danoo, I appreciate the time that you have taken to read the appeal and acknowledged the effort that I have gone into,  I was given a chance to tell the truth which is something that I did, I still stand by the fact that I didn't use chat GPT to write that appeal, I opened a...
  8. KCAJ

    Unban Appeal - KCAJ - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for KCAJ  In-game Name: Jack Ronald Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198178018448 Ban ID: !!rpuk13786!! Reason given for your ban: Revenge report In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: The reason that I was banned is due to myself sending something on a...
  9. KCAJ

    [IMG] @Liam

  10. KCAJ


  11. KCAJ


  12. KCAJ

    Peace out.

    I appreciate the message,  You're not wrong in the fact that it was disheartening to be denied on the sole reason that they believe I used Chat GPT. Shame they can't see the difference in what you have just posted and my unban appeal, but such is life.  
  13. KCAJ

    Peace out.

    If one is to be called a Liar, then they may as well make the effort to deserve that name. Such is why I wish I actually used Chat GPT to write my unban. Till the next time.
  14. KCAJ

    Unban Appeal - KCAJ - GTA RP

    Thank you for the reply Sammy. I did spend the best part of 2 hours sitting and writing this entire appeal, myself. I have no reason to ask anyone else to write an appeal for me as it's my words that are meaningful and matter, not someone else's. I want to stay in the community and...
  15. KCAJ

    Unban Appeal - KCAJ - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for KCAJ  In-game Name: Jack Ronald Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198178018448 Ban ID: !!rpuk13786!! Reason given for your ban: Revenge Report In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I think I was banned for sending something, to staff about a staff...
  16. KCAJ

    Helmet Armour Changes

    rufus rice 
  17. KCAJ

    Helmet Armour Changes

    100000%  Gangs should not have head armour, it makes no sense. Now I am not advocating that it is removed from the server entirely as a lot of work went into the making/testing and development of head armour, but I think keeping this as a police asset is much more logical. Could have...
  18. KCAJ

    Like for Like SR  Only Real Ones know @Liam Loves Square Sausage 

    Like for Like SR  Only Real Ones know @Liam Loves Square Sausage 
  19. KCAJ

    Character Locking

    Cheers Recon I appreciate the lengthy response and the clarification on what kind of issues might lead to someone getting their character locked, and thus as I thought will be a combination of poor RP and repeat offenders. Along with some RP issues that might lead to a character being locked...
  20. KCAJ

    Character Locking

    So gordon let me put it to you this way, this is specifically for bad RP not a consequence to something you've done in RP (with high quality RP and ensuring that the situation is fun for everyone). For example 229 are in a situation with police, as long as everything is above board there is not...