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  1. M

    NPAS Thermals

    I can see both sides of the argument, however, without NPAS or thermals; the chance of police finding a kidnapped or missing person effectively drops to nil. I fly NPAS a good amount, both 99 and 71 and can safely say I've never misused the thermal imagery, I often have it off because the...
  2. M

    Avion Setup

    Controllers are much better for flying helis imo
  3. M

    Report a player - Alliance Member (Unknown ID) - GTA RP

    If you pull a gun on a cop with 3 colleagues, of course the officer's reaction is self defence? You ended the roleplay by defaulting immediately to a lethal use of force scenario. You could've continued speaking to the AFOs or even spoken to me? I appreciate in your view it looked as if we...
  4. M

    Report a player - Alliance Member (Unknown ID) - GTA RP

    I think it's unfair of you to put words into my mouth by trying to say that the intention here is to soil your reputation. It's not my intention at all; I'd enjoy more RP interactions. My issue at it's core here is that no quality RP was provided before we were mowed down for arresting your...
  5. M

    Report a player - Alliance Member (Unknown ID) - GTA RP

    I appreciate the time taken to reply mate. Just with regards to this, the reason your friend was put into a police car was because it's the safest place to secure someone. He was tased because he tried to flee again; after having just taken police on a chase. I don't really see what other...
  6. M

    Report a player - Alliance Member (Unknown ID) - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: Robert Hutchinson Reported Players: Alliance Member (Unknown ID) Date: Mar 18, 2024 Time: 16:22 What best describes this incident: Poor RP/RDM Please (in detail) describe the incident: Officers were chasing a Black Sultan due to poor driving standards...
  7. M

    Report a player - 170, 40, 72 - GTA RP

    @Hank Summers - No recording/screenshot my end mate. I can confirm though, his pockets did not have a single in game item in them.
  8. M

    Report a player - 170, 40, 72 - GTA RP

    I'll check when I get home today mate
  9. M

    Report a player - 170, 40, 72 - GTA RP

    I'm the DS in the clip. Just to add, I searched the chap at the roadside on arrest and his pockets were entirely empty. No phone, no radio, nothing. He was arrested at Bollingbrook, and whilst his friend did see him get arrested; the friend drove off toward the City before the arrested chap...
  10. M

    Happy New Year!

    Happy new years all, it's been a blast and look forward to what the next brings!
  11. M

    Stop Firearms clicking a single keybind to put all their gear on

    I don't agree with the keybind being removed, personally, I tend to take the time to run to the boot of my car, hit the keybind and then do what I need to do but I can certainly see how this can be seen as a pain in the arse. +1 to Nikolai's suggested implementation of a wait timer.
  12. M

    Limit how many officers can attend a scene.

    Would you also put a cap on how many crims can attend a scene? Otherwise all you need to get away with a robbery is more dudes than the police are allowed
  13. M

    Recurring Item

    I think PC Stone is just a filthy litterer
  14. M

    Allow Gruppe6/Courts to seize assets and sell at auction.

    I agree the idea of this sounds nice. On the flipside though, it's already a spectacular amount of Google docs RP to get the the point of scrapping a vehicle. I would hate to see more administration thrown into an already beurocracy ridden process
  15. M

    UI in vehicles disappears after using NPAS Camera

    Steam ID: 76561198022754995 Character ID: -- When did this happen: 11/29/23 Summary: UI in vehicles disappears after using NPAS Camera Full Description: As it states really. After occupying the flight operator seat and using the NPAS camera, if you enter another vehicle, you have no...
  16. M

    State of roleplay in the .co.uk

    I do agree the RP has become stale. Bith from a cop and crim side. For example, being in NPAS the other day, saw two (insert gang affiliation here) cars going the wrong way up a motorway before coming off a jump and big red and crashing. Units arrived and a decent chase happened until cars...
  17. M

    Sort out the police, or make it fair for gang members.

    Because if we take our time in turfs doing a thorough search we get called out for "baiting"
  18. M

    Sort out the police, or make it fair for gang members.

    Do a driveby on rival gangs. Cops haven't got time to respond. Have a small contingent take a hostage at big bank, draws away police resources. Have a melee fight, bring bats and knives and beat up a rival gang member. These are 3 ways without giving very much thought which will prevent...
  19. M

    Sort out the police, or make it fair for gang members.

    ARV are routinely posted and do conduct traffic stops regularly, in fact; they're usually all advanced/TPAC drivers so will very frequently get involved in pursuits and traffic matters.
  20. M

    Sort out the police, or make it fair for gang members.

    With the greatest of respect, your life is unlikely to lead you into a scenario IRL where you will see CTSFO deployed, in addition; they're not an overt asset. I've had CT's deployed on a fair few jobs and I've never worked in Counter Terror. I have personally not seen more than 10-15 AFOs...