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  1. Anne McGee

    Vehicle Dealerships selling by Brand not by Category

    Here we go, dealerships currently sell 2 category vehicles, be it coupes and compacts, sport & supers etc. with the loss of import vehicles some dealerships have continued business as usual, others sadly are only able to sell unwanted vehicles by putting in hours of effort for 1 sale a day if...
  2. Anne McGee

    Suggestion: No gunfights in Hospitals

    I love your idea of making the gunfight charges higher as to motivate the shooters to move the location elsewhere!
  3. Anne McGee

    Loved the 1950's event at the last train diner! So happy I won! Thank you <3

    Loved the 1950's event at the last train diner! So happy I won! Thank you <3
  4. Anne McGee

    Suggestion: No gunfights in Hospitals

    I would like to clarify i'm not asking for a Green Zone, my suggestion was only for the shooting of guns, fights in general with any other weapon i did not mean, neither did i suggest it as a safe zone to escape to. only meant the shooting of a gun, i do not like the idea of a complete green...
  5. Anne McGee

    Suggestion: No gunfights in Hospitals

    In the recent incidents it would have been gangs shooting people in hospitals be it other gangs or people that gotten into arguments, would this also fall under Rule G6 or would this be a loophole? Thank you for the quick response! <3
  6. Anne McGee

    Suggestion: No gunfights in Hospitals

    Hello everyone, I don't know if this has been suggested before but as incidents like these seem to happen more often now i will suggest it anyways. I would like to suggest we BAN shooting in the hospitals. this is for the people working for the nhs, it's mentally quite tiresome to give...
  7. Anne McGee

    Hope everyone has a beautiful day

    Hope everyone has a beautiful day
  8. Anne McGee

    McGee Wedding

  9. Anne McGee

    McGee Wedding

  10. Anne McGee

    McGee Wedding

  11. Anne McGee

    McGee Wedding

  12. Anne McGee

    McGee Wedding

  13. Anne McGee

    McGee Wedding

  14. Anne McGee

    McGee Wedding

  15. Anne McGee

    McGee Wedding

  16. Anne McGee

    McGee Wedding

    Thank you so much for celebrating with us at our wedding. It was the most wonderful day of our lives and it would not have been the same without you! We are truly grateful for your generosity and presence on our special day. Teej x Anne
  17. Anne McGee

    I got married!! xxxx https://i.gyazo.com/ea5cc306851d91941cdd4975d5f00599.png

    I got married!! xxxx https://i.gyazo.com/ea5cc306851d91941cdd4975d5f00599.png
  18. Anne McGee

    [ATTACH] ''And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime And I'm pretty sure that you...

    ''And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine 'Cause I'm in a field of dandelions Wishing on every one that you'd be mine, mine And I see forever in your eyes I feel okay when I see you smile, smile''
  19. Anne McGee

    Better late then never!

    A young adult that moved in 5 months ago navigating the bustling city, striving to carve her own path and forge meaningful connections. A creative soul, weaving magic as a graphic designer and captivate hearts as a car saleswoman. Ever ready to lend a helping hand, believing in the power of...
  20. Anne McGee

    Otto's/AutoCare | Screenshots | Videos

    Yes that was a throw back pun to AutoCare. Cause we wouldn't have been here without them! 🧡💙🧡💙