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  1. Teej McGee

    Additional Local Boats

    Suggesting that both the Marquis & the Tug be available for purchase down the Marina. They're both already in the base game. Would at least be nice to have a more luxurious boat on offer to everyone, as well as something fun! Feel boating needs a little love. Marquis: Tug:
  2. Teej McGee

    Sandy Shores Scrap Yard

    +1 For those who have imported motors and are sadly sitting on an abundance of assets they can't do anything with, this sees them obtain something in return plus have an RP avenue. Could this also be used for locally manufactured motors as well, as a last resort for people who cannot find a...
  3. Teej McGee

    McGee Wedding

    Great Night @Joe Scrub
  4. Teej McGee

    Official 10 Year Pin Badge (SOLD OUT)

    Unsure if I had to note I bought one to support but if so then hey ho
  5. Teej McGee

    Otto's Vehicle Inventory

    +1, for a dealership now at a slight handicap with motors, it would be nice to see a staple Motor or refresh!
  6. Teej McGee

    How it all began. [ATTACH]

    How it all began.
  7. Teej McGee

    Vehicle Dealerships Selling by Manufacturer Rather than Category

    I've been looking more into this and want to open the discussion of possibility of this. Following the import situation, it feels as if some, if not almost all, Dealerships are suffering from the locally manufactured selection of vehicles available, either due to a stale choice or not a lot in...
  8. Teej McGee

    Different Import Warehouses

    When talking about "waiting times going down", is this from an OOC or IC perspective? I feel as if moving Warehouses closer to Dealerships may unintentionally diminish an avenue of RP for Distributors/Delivery Drivers. Yes, this may solve an issue of restocking, so that whoever is working at the...
  9. Teej McGee

    More Jobs?

    I'd love to see some form of Bailiff Job, going from door to door for the government to NPC's homes or businesses. Really brings the whole Bri'sh "Can't pay, we'll take it away" feel. Allows a sense of morality check for characters if they come across either willing NPC dialogue or hostile...
  10. Teej McGee

    Yankee, Joe Scrub, & Vehicle Dealership Staff Appreciation

    I wanted to say thank you to so many for making my roleplay experience amazing and for keeping me wanting to come back almost everyday. I cannot list all but I can surely start by saying particular to the following: Yankee There is not much explanation needed for this quirky son of a gun. Has...
  11. Teej McGee

    Delivery Hub & Pick-Up Location ATM's & Vending Machines

    My main thought/request is with the Delivery Hub having an ATM, just to clarify. Think I waffled on about other suggestions. A vending machine is a believable bonus. Having thought over & conversed with others, it would only make sense for their to be an ATM at the Delivery Hub. Each "Point...
  12. Teej McGee

    Delivery Hub & Pick-Up Location ATM's & Vending Machines

    Hello There! One thing I've noticed when doing deliveries is the lack of ATM's to be able to deposit earnings made, or for pulling out cash should it be required. I believe the Delivery Hub is a prime place where one of these should be, given the nature of the work and considering that as far...
  13. Teej McGee

    Council/Mayor or MPs within the City

    This actually opens up a whole lot more avenues for potential RP than people think and creates more job growth. Town Hall gets some use, clear and obvious potential corruption, Union strikes etc. +1