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  1. _rimin_

    Boxing event

    I have spoken to the ballas if it is a MLO creators area and from their knowledge it isn't locked. Which was amazing news to me, but I'm still yet to hear from the developers so hopes aren't too high.
  2. _rimin_

    Boxing event

    I'm assuming when you say "basegame or a mlo" you mean if the place is already in the city or a place I want to add, if so the place is already in the city there's just a few changes I would like to add to it to make it an actual boxing arena. I feel as this place would be fine to use as it is a...
  3. _rimin_

    Boxing event

    We do get that the developers would probably not be too happy if we only used it once, but we have been planning this for 2 weeks and we would love for this to be added to the city as we are an up and coming family and we would like to continue using this area as we believe we would use this...
  4. _rimin_

    Boxing event

    I do know this but, as a permanent area I feel as this area would be perfect to host a boxing area as it gives off a "underground fight club" vibe. As other places wouldn't work with our current ideas we are looking for and we think this would be a great addition to the city which would...
  5. _rimin_

    Boxing event

    Hello developers. Me and my mates have had a idea to host a boxing event. What I ask from the developers is if you could turn the laser lights off and turn them into spotlights that shine down towards the middle of the boxing area, A few benches around the fences for people to sit down and a few...
  6. _rimin_

    Report a player - 879 - GTA RP

    See if you listen closely you can clearly hear him saying "Minka" unless that is the n-word in a different language I'm not sure where you hear him saying the n-word. Another thing is when one of your mates or you say "Why is there a chippieone saying the n-word" 879 proceeds to say "are you...
  7. _rimin_


  8. _rimin_

    Report a player - 867 - GTA RP

    Well rdming by shot gunning us in the face wasn't the way to handle the situation. You told us to pull over so you could get insurance details and we did as you said, we got out the vehicle approached your vehicle and showed no threat towards you. Yet you still decided to exit your vehicle and...
  9. _rimin_

    Report a player - 867 - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: emil roche morris Reported Players: 867 Date: May 13, 2024 Time: 01:30 What best describes this incident: RDM Please (in detail) describe the incident: Me and my mate were driving around and we were just messing around brake checking, and the other guy...
  10. _rimin_

    Report a player - 794 - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: emil roche morris Reported Players: 794 Date: Apr 15, 2024 Time: 23:17 What best describes this incident: VDM Please (in detail) describe the incident: tried to speak with the guy but he just continuiously attempted to hit me with his car and succeeded...
  11. _rimin_

    Report a player - kyle and natalie and mazza - GTA RP

    Its been dealth with over liaise. No need to continue anything else
  12. _rimin_

    Report a player - kyle and natalie and mazza - GTA RP

    I've never accused you guys of using metagaming (other than now) and you mentioning me in OOC i didnt see or maybe your thinking of someone else, if you could we can continue talking about this in discord, "_rimin_" is my discord name
  13. _rimin_

    Report a player - kyle and natalie and mazza - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: emil roche morris Reported Players: kyle and natalie and mazza Date: Mar 14, 2024 Time: 20:56 What best describes this incident: third party application used to communicate Please (in detail) describe the incident: me and my friend devon saw kyle selling...
  14. _rimin_

    Report a player - kyle and natalie - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: emil roche morris Reported Players: kyle and natalie Date: Mar 14, 2024 Time: 20:56 What best describes this incident: third party application used to communicate Please (in detail) describe the incident: me and my friend devon saw kyle selling cocaine...