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Banned for 'Mass VDM Wanker'

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I got banned from the server because I was driving down the beach to meet my friend and I was suffering from major de-sync and the next thing I knew was that players were spawning in front of me and my vehicle was going too fast to stop early enough to stay out the way of other people. Upon breaking, my vehicle slid again from my high bandwidth and desync causing me to crash into a heli parked on the sand.

When I crashed I was trying to explain what had happened but I got banned before I could say anything.

Sorry for the inconvenience

~Rob (IGN)

I want to be the first one to say it, but I'm loving the level of BS right here.

A video would be nice but aren't you meant to drive on roads, not beaches.

Also people don't spawn on the beach and the fact that they were spawning in front of you seems hard to belive but ever hear of the handbrake, it a magical device that allows you to slide to one side and brake sharply.

It was advertised in the server via admin message to all players that there was a after nightclub party and after church party on the beach

I have it on video you driving at players enjoying themselves... you then took out one of our admins infront me

This was clear VDM so pull the other one.

You ran over me and fritz and now hes diagnosed with a permantent case of little orphan annie syndrome

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