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Banned for RDM Athira Market


Hello, i just recieved a ban for killing police officer T-Robot at Athira Market. I escaped him after being tazed down for a while, and after that i got banned. 

According to how i understood the rules I am allowed to wear guns and use them inside a township when also wearing a rebel licence, which i was. Then why would I still get banned? What i remember from reading the rules is that if I was going to join a group of rebels doing a major hit on a town I would have to notify admin beforehand -i did this earlier today, but got denied by admin and followed his decision, but not if I was to put one single cop out of his misery? If I understood the rules wrong, please enlighten me, and I will follow these in the future. (Yeah, I know I've been "difficult" towards certain officers in the past, but that was the way I chose the RP for my character.)

With a rebel license (from what i have been told) you can kill anyone outside of a township. not inside, as that way i could KOS anyone

I still find this rule confusing, as it mentions that rebels are allowed to attack cops in towns? 

V. Rebel gameplay

a) Only players with a rebel license are considered rebels and are allowed to follow "rebel business" like attacking cops in towns, etc. Players without a rebel license using firearms are considered RDMers.  

B) Attacks on cities involving more than one rebel have to be announced to the admins. If you don't have an administrators approval and you still attack a city, it is considered RDMing.  (I was the only one opening fire by the way.)

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Would it be possible to have an admin response to this in order to clearify this rule, or at least deny the unban request?

I'm fairly new to the server, so I'm not very experienced with neither the interpretation of the server rules or the concepts of 100% roleplay. I will assure you, though, that this is something I intend to improve, as my intentions are not being another troll or metagamer. There's plenty of other mods and servers for that.

Yeah...my understanding is that lone rebels can attack cops in towns...just if it's more than 1 rebel it needs the admin nod first. 

If indeed that's why you were banned.

Well, that is the most logical explanation I can think of myself, as I was not presented any warning of other things beforehand or reason on the ban message. Unless escaping the police by locking myself into an Orca before he got to restrain me and running away from him is a ban reason.

Ban revoked. You're reinstated, Misbruk. I made the ban on evidence from the cop, but if you had been tazed prior and were on the run, then as far as I'm concerned, the RP has been established (at least to a degree).

FWIW, we're trying to get away from the situations where a 'lone rebel' can just waltz into a town and shoot a cop in the back after yelling 'fuckthepolicehandsup' twice whilst the cop is dealing with a civ situation, because it's just wank. There's little or no opportunity for the cop to actually roleplay (especially if he is tied up in cop-menus, restraining civs, checking licenses or wanted status, all of which lock him out from being able to use VON for the duration). It all gets a bit tedious and one-sided, if a rebel just comes out of the woodwork and executes the cop for no real reason*, and usually just results in the civ picking up a handy rifle that he then goes running around RDMing with until another player manages to get him banned. Bit crap, really.

*The old-time reason "I'm a rebel and therefore I hate cops and will kill them on sight" is generally being accepted as pretty pisspoor, tbh. In real life, rebels don't tend to wantonly run around shooting cops for zero reason. It tends to reduce the standing of their rebel organisations in the public eye, and it risks drawing attention to their faction or cell, and possibly spoiling a much bigger operation that a rebel group may be planning. Secrecy, subterfuge and stealth are usually the keywords to a decent rebel group, when planning a 'big deal', like a mass attack on a city or a hostage-taking situation. Wankers who troll around openly in towns shooting cops tend to just make that rebel organisation look somewhat less organised, and slightly more unbelieveable as a *rebellion*. They're just lone loonies with a shared badge, otherwise.

Hence, we're trying to shape up some rules of engagement for single-player rebel activities, in the form of Contract Killing (not quite ready yet, but close to some play testing soon). They'll give rebels the ability to perform executions on *specific* cops, and follow a few basic, but not very difficult rules on altering the cop about 4 minutes in advance via text, alerting an admin (note, only an alert in this case, not a requirement to get permission - and it's so that the admin, if he's around, can keep a watch as much on the cop, to make sure he doesn't just hide in a police station, as it is to check that the rebel has given him a bit of response time in which to react and prepare). The contract will be 'open' until the end of the next 4-hour restart session (or earlier if he decides to call it off, in which case he must let the cop known he's standing down), or until the rebel or the cop dies. Cop must be the first cop to die at that rebel's hands, or the contract is blown, and the person who hired the assassin need not pay. Other cops may get involved afterwards, but then they're fair game, but a rebel can't cut a swathe through 40 cops in a police-station in order to get to his target. Cops can't hide in police-stations, but can hide anywhere else - but of course, can be run to ground, and hopefully the rebel will be on the chase. The rebel will of course be wanted for cop-murder, as you'd expect, but that's nothing new. If he can complete the hit before the 4-hour session finishes, he'll get paid by his employer, hopefully a good sum (agreed in advance, but all down to RP, not rules - same with when and how it's paid, in advance, part in advance, on completion, in cash, bank-money, gear, sex - we don't give a toss - it's down to the rebel and the employer to work out).

But yeah, the days of 'I'm a rebel so I have carte blanche to shoot cops from afar without really doing any half-decent RP' are very much numbered...

Not that I'm accusing you of doing that (which is why I'm happy to revoke the ban)... but I'm just setting it out so you know what to expect in the near future. In the meantime, of course if you get caught on the hop by a cop while doing a drug-run, or stroll into a firefight with a rival gang, all those things are still possible sources of 'single-player rebel actions' that aren't going to get you banned, necessarily. Obviously though, walking into town with a key of coke and a rifle on your back is going to raise a few eyebrows, so it's perhaps not wise, even if it's allowed... firefights often happen fast, and sometimes it's very difficult for a cop (or any other player) to really be able to make the call on whether any RP was involved, and whether it constitutes 'RDM'. On this occasion, I'm happy to draw the conclusion that the RP was established by you having been tased already.

Let me know if you're able to log back in successfully. Welcome back!

Thanks for the help to interpret this paragraph and for unbanning me. I will follow your guidelines to a greater extent in the future, so that misunderstandings like this are not to happen.

I look forward to the contract killing, it sounds really interesting with a more brutal way of making money.
