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New member
Hi guys,

I happened to be banned the other night - I jumped into a police car and was subsiquently thrown off the server with a perma ban.

If I'm honest, I'm pretty new at this and didn't realise I was violating rules - only just started to get into Altis Life, have been enjoying it a lot on another server but have a few friends who've started to play on yours, and would love the oppurtunity to join them again.

What I did was stupid looking back, and I can vouch that it won't happen again - especially now I'm a bit more seasoned in roleplaying etc from a few other servers.

Thanks for your time and consideration.



It is not against the rules to steal a cop car. I take it you ran over at least one person with it, which would be one (of many possibly) explanations for your ban. 

What is your ingame name?

You didnt come back to this so topic locked, Please reopen a request if you want to be unbanned.

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