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Patreon/Subscription donation service for a seat at a monthly RPUK sit down/town hall


Well-known member
This is a pretty bold suggestion, almost as bald as @Isak

I have a netflix subscription, amazon prime subscription, only f...

The point is.. I pay for an awful lot of stuff that doesn't nearly provide me with the level of satisfaction RPUK has. And RPUK is seemingly free, but of which provides a lot of value to us.

I propose we make an addition to the donation system of RPUK, and as part of that, introduce a monthly town hall meeting/discord call where all supporters get to discuss the direction of the community, run through top voted suggestions of the month etc.

Those supporters would learn more about development challenges, feasibility issues and the overall work that goes into running an online community like ours.

I would 100% commit to a £25 - £50 subscription to support the community.

Only 20 people doing so would create £500 - £1,000 in monthly recurring revenue (donations) to reinvest and scale RPUK into something even more astounding than it already is. Imagine if 30 - 40 people opted in. Suddenly, RPUK is cooking.

I'm not going to list out pro's and con's because they're pretty obvious.

Taking a community to the next level through networking, collaboration & transparency.
I like this idea, I think it would be cool even if we all had weekly/monthly meetings with staff/devs to discuss suggestions or certain aspects of the server. +1
I like this idea, I think it would be cool even if we all had weekly/monthly meetings with staff/devs to discuss suggestions or certain aspects of the server. +1
Right time for me to oppose you again.

RPUK is a community. I personally don't believe you should have to pay to voice your opinion.

Some people may have some good suggestions or some valid reasons why things shouldn't happen, however because they cant afford the subscription they cant have their voice heard.

I personally believe this would have the problem @Samuel Shire said would happen with a Tebex store. If people pay for their voice to be heard they will expect something done.
RPUK is a community. I personally don't believe you should have to pay to voice your opinion.
I meant more generally speaking in my comment I don't really care if its a paid thing or whatever (Although tbh paying for it would be a little silly) what I meant is that it would be good to just have monthly sort of community meetings or something to talk about server issues or anything server related
I truly understand where you are coming from but this will lead this community in a very dark rabbit hole of paid goodies. Furthermore it would pressure the devs even more and they don't/can't get paid any coin.
If you wish to support the community and the server monetarily, there is already the known option.
If you wish to substantial support this community apply for the volunteer jobs like game testers, crayon club, staff, Dev or @Stavik foot masseur
I truly understand where you are coming from but this will lead this community in a very dark rabbit hole of paid goodies. Furthermore it would pressure the devs even more and they don't/can't get paid any coin.
If you wish to support the community and the server monetarily, there is already the known option.
If you wish to substantial support this community apply for the volunteer jobs like game testers, crayon club, staff, Dev or @Stavik foot masseur

But this will lead this community in a very dark rabbit hole of paid goodies
No it wouldn't.
Kate has a point - it would create a self appointed 'council' of decision makers that only got their position through payment. If you wish to make decisions, become a dev/staff. If you wish to donate, donate. I don't see any reason or benefit to the two paths crossing.
My quote: "Here all supporters get to discuss the direction of the community, run through top voted suggestions of the month etc."

This does not say...

Patreon support will be dictating, making decisions and telling developers and staff what to do.

Kate only has a point, if this is what my original suggestion says, which it does not.

My Quote "Those supporters would learn more about development challenges, feasibility issues and the overall work that goes into running an online community like ours."

If this quote above reads "I want a paid for self appointed council of decision makers that will undermine staff" then someone needs to go to bed.

Because it doesn't.
Right time for me to oppose you again.

RPUK is a community. I personally don't believe you should have to pay to voice your opinion.

Some people may have some good suggestions or some valid reasons why things shouldn't happen, however because they cant afford the subscription they cant have their voice heard.

I personally believe this would have the problem @Samuel Shire said would happen with a Tebex store. If people pay for their voice to be heard they will expect something done.

Did you pay to voice your opinion on this thread? No.
Do you have to pay to make a suggestion to be voted on within this forum. No
Did I once state that my suggestion would replace your ability to voice your opinions on the forums? No.
Did I mention the purpose of my suggestion was for supporters to learn more about development challenges, feasibility issues and the overall work that goes into running an online community. Yes

Did a bunch of people read between lines, that don't exist within my suggestion to make out i'm asking people to "pay" to tell staff members and developer to do things for them because they paid? Yes.
I get where you are comming from, asI too like to look under the hood of stuff, but I don't think that would be the right way to do it.
Like everyone else has already said ^, I agree with their points tbh.

- but instead I would suggest something else.

I would LOVE for management / staff to, once a month, do a live stream or an announcement where they go over changes in the community.

They could mention stuff like:
- New additions to the different teams, or people who have left.
- Changes in gangs (A whole gang was banned and got their whitelisting removed)
- Changes to the rules
- Reminders of behavior (Let's say there's been an increase in faul language, then point to that)
- Upcoming events
- Events from the past month (Some people aren't around when they happen, and don't see that one has even taken place)
- If possible, inform about new stuff coming (I understand not wanting to promise something, or spoiling, so this would probably be limited.

HOWEVER, this is just an update for us, not something the players pay for, or means they have any say in it really.
It could be done in the same way as CFX makes theirs;

I obviously understand that the entire staff team are already busy, and this would add to their plate.
Did you pay to voice your opinion on this thread? No.
Do you have to pay to make a suggestion to be voted on within this forum. No
Did I once state that my suggestion would replace your ability to voice your opinions on the forums? No.
Did I mention the purpose of my suggestion was for supporters to learn more about development challenges, feasibility issues and the overall work that goes into running an online community. Yes

Did a bunch of people read between lines, that don't exist within my suggestion to make out i'm asking people to "pay" to tell staff members and developer to do things for them because they paid? Yes.
Nobody is reading between any lines, your suggestion is fairly clear, it’s just not a good suggestion in my opinion. You’ve said “and as part of that, introduce a monthly town hall meeting/discord call where all supporters get to discuss the direction of the community, run through top voted suggestions of the month etc.” They are hardly going to sit there and say “Yeah that was suggested, fantastic let’s move on” of course if you want people to be able to go over direction and suggestions then it implies they’ll have some form of input.

Honestly, it’s not a good idea in my opinion, Maverick and Kate are right it’ll lead to the people paying wanting to have a say in what happens with x y and z.

(I know you’re a bit of a forum warrior around here, but please don’t attack my fragile ego! It’s just my opinion 🤣)
As a community we need to do our part to raise money to keep the server going and developing.

Unfortunately I don’t believe this is the way forward. I waste a lot of money on a lot of random shit. However personally this wouldn’t be something I would even question putting money towards.

It will put even more pressure on the dev team to get suggestions implemented.

Yes I wish management and devs laid out a clear roadmap going forwards so we know what to expect. But paying to discuss and find out is just absurd.