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Report a player - 83 - GTA RP

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Avion Solar

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police Trainer
United Kingdom

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Avion Solar
Reported Players: 83
Date: Mar 7, 2024
Time: 12:26
What best describes this incident: NVL
Please (in detail) describe the incident: At around 12:20 hours on 7th March 2024 I responded to call for aid by Auto Exotic after another officer (Jacob Campbell) witnessed an individual with a knife. The suspect was hiding in a bush when I arrived and I had my pistol Aimed in that direction as I feared he may try to stab me or Campbell. The individual came out of the bush towards me with a weapon clearly aimed at him and continued running straight past me despite not carrying a weapon at the time. I began perusing and at this point, he drew a knife and attempted to stab me leading to him being shot by PC Campbell. I requested he come to TS however he responded in OOC saying "NO".
https://gyazo.com/b67f7003640ca9a14c965f0e2ebac673 - Session ID
https://gyazo.com/ccc69ebad64641a005e2e867ade7c677 - OOC Chat
Link(s) To Any Evidence:
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PC Campbell here, obviously I have a report for the same person but for a different rule (Basically what happened after this video provided by Avion)

Obviously I knew he had a knife prior to him being in the bush refusing to come out, I gave him several commands to exit said bush and comply, before Avion arrived and the person was in the bush I had my Firearm trained at the bush in case he came running straight at me. Once Avion arrived i switched to Non Lethal (Taser) But after challenging him a couple more times from outside the bush he then climbed the wall and ran towards Avion where I felt due to the range my Firearm would be better suited to handle the situation.

Now after pulling my gun out and running towards the suspect he proceed to slash at avion to which I opened fire to protect Avions life taking him down in three shots I think (I'm yet to upload bodycam at this point so this is just off memory) At the time I'll be honest and say I couldn't tell if he had the knife in hand at the time of attacking Avion but due to the way he slashed towards him instead of punching I assumed it was the knife. I shall upload my full POV of the situation ASAP.

In Hindsight I could have tased him there just in the moment felt like I wouldn't of had enough time to swap back to non lethal before he got closer to either of us.

On a side note idk how that local didn't down me hollllyyyy.

Don't see how this is NVL at all to be fair, your pointing a gun at someone who's not holding a weapon so my character knows you aren't going to shoot someone who is running away unarmed. I didn't consider myself to even be at that big of a disadvantage in this situation.

What makes you think you can point a gun at someone and they have to comply with demands and not give the other party a chance to do anything?
By pointing a gun at someone who is unarmed you aren't giving them a chance to do anything and are shutting down the scenario early and not letting it develop into a foot chase or other outcome etc.

FTOC also isn't supposed to be used offensively by the way so stuff like this doesn't happen.
What makes you think you can point a gun at someone and they have to comply with demands and not give the other party a chance to do anything?
By pointing a gun at someone who is unarmed you aren't giving them a chance to do anything and are shutting down the scenario early and not letting it develop into a foot chase or other outcome etc.
Sounds like most robberies

FTOC also isn't supposed to be used offensively by the way so stuff like this doesn't happen.
That isn't the point of this at all
What makes you think you can point a gun at someone and they have to comply with demands and not give the other party a chance to do anything?
By pointing a gun at someone who is unarmed you aren't giving them a chance to do anything and are shutting down the scenario early and not letting it develop into a foot chase or other outcome etc.
Because you decided to blatantly stab a local in front of a police officer what did you want us to do hold your hand?
Hello everyone,

I didn't consider myself to even be at that big of a disadvantage in this situation.
You were, you were told multiple times you were being chased and in the presence of Armed Officers.

What makes you think you can point a gun at someone and they have to comply with demands and not give the other party a chance to do anything?
You were carrying a knife and had already stabbed someone, albeit, a local in front of Police so of course they're going to be cautious and hold you at gun/taser point.

By pointing a gun at someone who is unarmed you aren't giving them a chance to do anything and are shutting down the scenario early and not letting it develop into a foot chase or other outcome etc.
I have clearly seen on the footage that you had started to run away and @Avion Solar then started chasing you, it was you that stopped to try and stab the officer.

FTOC also isn't supposed to be used offensively by the way so stuff like this doesn't happen.
This is something that needs to be explored within RP, it will not be taken into account on this report.

In summary, I do believe you have not valued your life here and the following will be actioned,

In line with the Fair Ban System

Character: Marcus Ramirez
Rule(s) Broken: G2.4
Action: Ban - 1 day
Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.

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