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Twitch/YT Rework and new twitter page. (looking for feedback)

Avion Solar

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police Trainer
United Kingdom
I like it, could maybe streamline it a bit and cut down on text by replacing the 'YT' and 'Twitch' with the platform logos.

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I like it, could maybe streamline it a bit and cut down on text by replacing the 'YT' and 'Twitch' with the platform logos.
Thats a fair point I may have to look into doing that later 

as someone who used to stream a lot, your channels are looking clean! 

@Avion Solar

Your game looks lovely what mods are you using?

I personally don't like the bars on any stream top or bottom, i think a small area looks best, minimalistic an example of mine below.

Love the streams though keep up the good work 🙂 


@Avion Solar

Your game looks lovely what mods are you using?

I personally don't like the bars on any stream top or bottom, i think a small area looks best, minimalistic an example of mine below.

Love the streams though keep up the good work 🙂 

View attachment 18189
I'm not actually useing any and I like your layout I used to have a full border on but thought it was too obstructive so I moved to the single bar at the bottom with the animated blue line. I may have to consider a layout such as yours though its very clean  

I'm not actually useing any and I like your layout I used to have a full border on but thought it was too obstructive so I moved to the single bar at the bottom with the animated blue line. I may have to consider a layout such as yours though its very clean  
Ah i could only find you old streams then sorry!

I got my overlay from Nerd or Die, they do some nice free ones but the one I use its a premium paid for one.

