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Recent content by DS James Turner

  1. DS James Turner

    Breathalyzer and BAC

  2. DS James Turner

    Park rangers Government radio communications

    +1 as an ex Park Ranger this was a big thing we wanted, it was very difficult to communicate with Police & NHS during rescues due to lack of radio comms & no signal for phones meaning we were not able to go further with the rescuing and all had to bunch together in hopes to find people, i...
  3. DS James Turner

    Nate & Kelly NHS

    Amazing RP from them this morning, almost 2 hours of medical RP and they did perfect all the way through to the end! thank you both for the great situation and i look forward to more! (Sorry i didn't get any images & idk your forum @ I'm sorry!)
  4. DS James Turner

    Council Tax

  5. DS James Turner

    A more realistic prison system

    + 1 I agree It would be great if there was a sense of ‘punishment’ to the crimes people commit as lately we get a daily of people being murdered/kidnapped/taken hostage etc then they get arrested, prison, sleep and just do something else, this makes RP less fun for G6 in prison and is just...
  6. DS James Turner

    Give the police N.H.S. 'Downed' dispatches

    I think it could be a good idea but also police are already overwhelmed by dispatches and if we got a dispatch for every time someone was down on top of all the dispatches we already see it would become a nightmare, as it’s already a lot with the amount you get as NHS alone, plus it’ll make NHS...
  7. DS James Turner

    Illicitly Enhanced Consumables

    sounds like a great idea and can open a lot more avenues for crim, police, nhs and rp in general!
  8. DS James Turner

    Officers Salt & Pepper

    He's ours!
  9. DS James Turner

    Officers Salt & Pepper

    Amazing lads keep up the great work! @Cameron Salt @TrainerCal
  10. DS James Turner

    Report a player - 105185 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: James turner Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 105185 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 05/01/24 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1320 What best describes this incident ?: Metagaming, Combat...