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Recent content by Bobby Smith

  1. Bobby Smith

    General boss

    I recommend @GENERALLL hes the goat, best roleplaym always good vibes
  2. Bobby Smith

    Report a player - 350,230 - GTA RP

    I dont have a POV, at the moment it happend I did not see a reason to clip it
  3. Bobby Smith

    Report a player - 350,230 - GTA RP

    The clip that you are providing is not RDM. The past few days we have been hunting vagos as your higher ups know. (If they haven't passed on this information to you, thats on them). We were chasing you for ages and you aknowledged that we were aswell, as you were trying to get away. You had no...
  4. Bobby Smith


    Nice even that was - Head security
  5. Bobby Smith

    Mask 185

    Hey, was wondering if it would be possible to make mask 185 fit with this hairstyle. Tried using a hairband but it didn't make things better.  
  6. Bobby Smith

    Thank you & Farewell.

    big up father, best roleplayer after me for sure Also dropped a picture of the most handsome rpuk player to remind yall to be humble
  7. Bobby Smith

    Bobby Smith x Liam Vol.2

    I suggest that me and @Liam moderate the server together as a duo. Either both of us or none of us.
  8. Bobby Smith

    What do you miss about RPUK?

    top 1 roleplayer for alltid
  9. Bobby Smith

    What do you miss about RPUK?

    bobby boss smith
  10. Bobby Smith

    BobbyBoss Smith Logo

    This is logo for bobby boss smith
  11. Bobby Smith


    I recommend @luna williamsshe is the best roleplayer and always puts a smile on everyones face😁😁😁
  12. Bobby Smith

    Remove this hairstyle

    I feel like this hairstyle should get removed. I dont like this hairstyle, its ugly and it looks like noodles.  
  13. Bobby Smith

    Omizz aka noodlehead

    I like omiz he good rp @Omizz
  14. Bobby Smith

    add session ID to the phone

    +1 @Top Spliffer@Omizz 
  15. Bobby Smith

    Report a player - Vegan Vlad - GTA RP

    I find it funny that you say this, considering that I joined the server 15-20 minutes prior. You say that you are sure that this was me, but you would know if it was me by my voice.   The reason I didn't wanna LS you about the situation was because I feel like it was a rule that was clearly...