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Recent content by Bobinz

  1. Bobinz

    Foggy weather

    I love the idea and would even say, make it even more foggier , almost to a point where driving would be dangerous!
  2. Bobinz

    Report a bug - Jeffrey Shipman - GTA RP

    I had a look on the game files and even tried it on my dev server. You should be able to cook there, can you try other recipes? - so we can exclude the "not being able to craft at all" possibility If you are able to craft, but not the items you wanna craft (pizza being one of those), maybe it...
  3. Bobinz

    Report a bug - Jeffrey Shipman - GTA RP

    Do you have any idea when did you lost the ability to cook? Just wondering, as nothing was changed regarding this on the last update. (i think)
  4. Bobinz

    GTA RP Server Development - Changelog

    New Features: NPAS Operations Helmet @Recon9 Mirror Park Motors dealership @Mike Polo @Mark Shop safe repair costs @1A3 Additions to Bayview Lodge @Duke of Sussex The front doors at Davis PD are now open due to additional inside doors being added, this means you can now pay fines/clock-in etc...
  5. Bobinz

    Session Ids

    keep in mind tho, character ids are not to be used in game/character to identify people. They may be used in game to give items or some transactions, but usually you ask people about their ticket-number/lucky number/favorite number etc. Ids are used mainly for reports or to contact the player...
  6. Bobinz

    Farewell but not forever.

    2 yen .nooooooo I never ever expect this day to come. You are one of those persons the not only made the RP, in any way better. But you inspired people. Since the day i met you, I realised how big of a person you are. You create interesting and funny scenarios.. You involve others into what...
  7. Bobinz

    Report a player - 871 and 873 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Em Mota Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 871 and 873 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 11/16/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 210 What best describes this incident ?: (possibly) G3.1...
  8. Bobinz

    I have a suggestion - Mechanic Jobs

    The best place would be here: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/forum/593-gtarp/
  9. Bobinz

    Request for Permission to Set Up a Static Food Trailer at Popular Fuel

    there are ways to have a share parking garage system without the need of dev work. - for a taco truck for example
  10. Bobinz

    Request for Permission to Set Up a Static Food Trailer at Popular Fuel

    There nothing against that wanting that, but does it names sense in RP? You are asking for a business to be added to a fuel station, but not like a traditional shop where we see on every station with a shop   you want your own thing. I really enjoy your outside of the box thinking but.. You...
  11. Bobinz


    We wouldn't even add nothing really, just make another item act like a ziptie, that can break when dropped,  has durability, can cause more cop being robbed, prevents economy be possibly removing a money sink, zipties would need reevaluation, possibly price adjust, which in hindsight mean the...
  12. Bobinz


    How can zip ties remain the same if by robbing a cop you get "inifite zipties"? Imagine if guns wouldn't have a durability. Police were vending machines. (This had happen in the past, and forced some changes in the past... that are still in place) Same analogy for handcuffs and zipties. If...
  13. Bobinz

    Request for Permission to Set Up a Static Food Trailer at Popular Fuel

    Aren't the market stands for that same reason?  I am with Sam here, for the prop only, I don't see an issue, but making it a static prop with some kitchen utility is where I see the issue. What if one day people move on to another spot?  The tacos van gives you that exact option, a mobile kitchen.
  14. Bobinz


    Big -1 from me. This would: - ruin the market and value of zip ties . - cops getting (even) more robbed. Realistically,  u need a small pin to open the handcuffs from you to be able to use them,  and I believe that is the reason civs like us can't use them
  15. Bobinz

    New player with some questions

    First of all, welcome to rpuk. I hope you are enjoying your journey so far. Now to the questions.  U can only own the cars u buy, either be that from other players or dealerships. Joining groups it's all about rp. Depending on the groups/factions u may wanna join, u will need some ooc  effort...