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Recent content by Ferkis

  1. Ferkis

    Adjustments to bin Jobs

    It is a piss take how much money you get on this job
  2. Ferkis

    Adjustments to bin Jobs

    £987k We got from 30 mins on a 40 Bin job hahaha
  3. Ferkis

    Adjustments to bin Jobs

    Also would love too see the job nerfed and the bins to have realistic loot 😂
  4. Ferkis

    Report a player - Unknown - GTA RP

    Hi mate apologies for late reply, I lost all my clips of sit due too moving over ssd's.
  5. Ferkis

    Crosshair X and other easily abused 3rd Party apps

    I got my Crosshair x for 3 quid actually was well worth it!
  6. Ferkis

    Crosshair X and other easily abused 3rd Party apps

    How do I downvote a suggestion on the new forums? Edit: Scratch that found it!
  7. Ferkis

    Crosshair X and other easily abused 3rd Party apps

    Honestly do think this suggestion is just a bait or a windup 😂
  8. Ferkis

    Crosshair X and other easily abused 3rd Party apps

    Ngl, this seems like a joke 😂
  9. Ferkis

    Report a player - Unknown - GTA RP

    I've got a few clips of the RP before hand I can send when I am back from work, should be able to provide some context. (Was going to upload them last night, fell asleep chair 😂)
  10. Ferkis

    Report a player - Unknown - GTA RP

    Hi guys,  I will reply to this as my character Mike Raffone was involved with the 2 ish hour stand-off with G6 and the Lost Mc. I'll keep it short as I was not too much involved but was present at the scene of the shooting and was inside with Shepherd when they where there, can try add some...
  11. Ferkis

    Sammy & Drex

  12. Ferkis

    Sammy & Drex

    Fuck drex, sammys nice. Died of thirst at the event. I put in ooc and I didn't realise it was thirst that killed me. Drex teleported on me and dropped a smoothie, "Think you need this mate" 😔
  13. Ferkis

    You are just as serious mate, hard cunt.

    You are just as serious mate, hard cunt.
  14. Ferkis

    What's happened now mate?

    What's happened now mate?
  15. Ferkis

    Harriet (Harry) "The Psycho"

    @SummerThat tour was funny asf, fuck you for letting me hit that fence!