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Recent content by GENERALLL

  1. G

    Compensation Request - GENERALLL - GTA RP

    Character Name: Matias Cano Character ID: 88225 Steam ID: 76561199422007646 Game: GTA RP Date: Jun 2, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: I was changing my clothes and my head Armour went. Link(s) To Any Evidence...
  2. G

    General boss

    Means a lot from you bro!! You're a big part of the RP journey 👊
  3. G

    Report a player - General (Cutlass) - GTA RP

    Hi Stuart once again hope all is well. In all fairness I have just tabbed out to check if my clipping software was working. I was ensuring it was working to cover my own back if anything happens as mentioned in breakroom. First there were remarks about the audio being clipped out so I provided a...
  4. G

    Report a player - General (Cutlass) - GTA RP

    You mentioned that we're check if my clipping software was working. Explain this to me and everything you did (In detail). What did you tab out to, What we're you using at the time, What gave you an indication there might be an issue? To answer this question, I tabbed out to my browser page...
  5. G

    Report a player - General (Cutlass) - GTA RP

    @Ronnie trapp Can I also ask why 2 of your members came out of pillbox after being treated and straight went back in to hands me.
  6. G

    Report a player - General (Cutlass) - GTA RP

    I was double checking weather my clipping software was on. I like using streamable its simple and didn't think this would be an issue. I was told by staff to make sure to record.
  7. G

    Report a player - General (Cutlass) - GTA RP

    Hi @Stuart here is the medal clip. I'm not sure what else you want. https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/2fL6JkI9lVVupf/d1337L0HPV2i?invite=cr-MSwzeGQsMTU3MTE1MTQ3LA I haven't edited the audio. It just doesn't pick up If I tab out. Also to your statement about it being suspicious I only have...
  8. G

    Report a player - General (Cutlass) - GTA RP

    I tabbed out to check if my clipping software was working as the message instructed in break-room.
  9. G

    Report a player - General (Cutlass) - GTA RP

    Good morning, In this sit I had my gang close by and members of cutlass inside pillbox. As you can see in your clip I noticed a blacked out squad looking very suspicious so I notified my gang via radio. Not only that but inside pillbox I felt safer than usual because I knew my gang was very...
  10. G

    Report a player - Multiple Cutlass, Mainly 161 - GTA RP

    "I believe you have broken this rule as there was every possibility that the on going fight that caused you to be downed could have moved to the Arcade. Not only that but you have put yourself with downed Azteca members that were downed in the same fight." By this logic this will render me...
  11. G

    Report a player - Multiple Cutlass, Mainly 161 - GTA RP

    As previously stated there was no combat at the arcade, Your accusations are quite speculative. After being treated at pillbox I went to the arcade and was there for a good while before anybody even turned up. I simply went back to home turf to keep a low profile and ensure I could distance...
  12. G

    Report a player - Multiple Cutlass, Mainly 161 - GTA RP

    I was in the Arcade recovering when you were lying on the floor, instead of leaving you without any RP I tried to make the situation enjoyable. You ignored all the RP and chose to use LOOC. As far as I'm aware there was no combat in the Arcade. Would you be interested in a Liaison?
  13. G

    Compensation Request - GENERALLL - GTA RP

    Character Name: Matias Cano Character ID: 88225 Steam ID: 76561199422007646 Game: GTA RP Date: Mar 1, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: A player using a door to there advantage to exploit through. https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/report-a-player-unknown-azteca-gta-rp.424021/ Link(s) To...
  14. G

    Report a player - Unknown Azteca - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: Matias Cano Reported Players: Unknown Azteca Date: Feb 29, 2024 Time: 00:00 What best describes this incident: Aztecas knowingly shoot the door open to "teleport" inside, this is a known exploit to gain an unfair advantage when in a fighting situation as...
  15. G

    Poker table at Cutlass arcade
