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Recent content by JYeeXtreme

  1. JYeeXtreme

    Compensation Request - JYeeXtreme - GTA RP

    Character Name: Jason Yee Character ID: 15445 Steam ID: 76561198001295883 Game: GTA RP Date: May 30, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: Tried to display a Ubermacht Cypher Hatchback, but it failed to spawn in the one we own (was stuck as a local). Went straight into insurance afterwards. I...
  2. JYeeXtreme

    Compensation Request - JYeeXtreme - GTA RP

    Character Name: Jason Yee Character ID: 15445 Steam ID: 76561198001295883 Game: GTA RP Date: May 16, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: Employee tried to set an Omnis e-GT on display, but it failed to complete spawning. Car went straight into insurance afterwards. Here's the proof of me...
  3. JYeeXtreme

    Compensation Request - JYeeXtreme - GTA RP

    Character Name: Jason Yee Character ID: 15445 Steam ID: 76561198001295883 Game: GTA RP Date: May 14, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: Staff of mine was putting a Sultan RS Classic on display, but it never fully spawned in the one in stock (stuck and poofed as a local). It went straight...
  4. JYeeXtreme

    Compensation Request - JYeeXtreme - GTA RP

    Character Name: Jason Yee Character ID: 15445 Steam ID: 76561198001295883 Game: GTA RP Date: Apr 29, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: Omnis e-GT did not spawn on podium and went straight into insurance. I have bailed it out from insurance - please see linked evidence. Link(s) To Any...
  5. JYeeXtreme

    Compensation Request - JYeeXtreme - GTA RP

    Character Name: Jason Yee Character ID: 15445 Steam ID: 76561198001295883 Game: GTA RP Date: Apr 24, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: One of my staff tried to pull out the Sultan RS V8 on the podium. It failed to spawn our demo car and went straight into insurance. Here's also the video...
  6. JYeeXtreme

    Compensation Request - JYeeXtreme - GTA RP

    Character Name: Jason Yee Character ID: 15445 Steam ID: 76561198001295883 Game: GTA RP Date: Mar 7, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: Tried to put our 2 demonstrators on display (Ubermacht Cypher Hatchback and Blista), but both failed to spawn in properly on the display stands. Link(s) To...
  7. JYeeXtreme

    [ACKNOWLEDGED] Report a bug - JYeeXtreme - GTA RP

    Here are the missing parts
  8. JYeeXtreme

    [ACKNOWLEDGED] Report a bug - JYeeXtreme - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Jason Yee Steam ID: 76561198001295883 Date: Mar 4, 2024 Time: 11:30 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Missing bumper upgrades for Intruder Provide a full description of the bug: While I was upgrading the dealership Intruder demonstrator, I've found...
  9. JYeeXtreme

    Merge Oracle STD-A with Oracle STD

    Just to add on, the Oracle STD is similar to the Oracle XS - which is class as a coupe (sold in Otto's and Hardwick) The XS is priced lower than the STD and handles around the same, hence there's currently no incentive for anyone to purchase the Oracle STD.
  10. JYeeXtreme

    Merge Oracle STD-A with Oracle STD

    The ex-NOS car - Oracle STD-A is no longer imported and has been stripped off the Nitrous Kit. It is currently in an awkward position within the car market. There's also the regular Oracle STD, which is priced as a intermediate sedan; but does not have any redeeming features to justify the...
  11. JYeeXtreme

    Compensation Request - JYeeXtreme - GTA RP

    Evidence to show that it's been paid off: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/1YoLjZ44qORq2j/d1337mpYu0T4?invite=cr-MSxvZTQsNjU2ODIxNjIs
  12. JYeeXtreme

    Compensation Request - JYeeXtreme - GTA RP

    Character Name: Jason Yee Character ID: 15445 Steam ID: 76561198001295883 Game: GTA RP Date: Mar 1, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: Pulled out a Cypher Hatchback on display but it disappeared and went straight into insurance. Link(s) To Any Evidence...
  13. JYeeXtreme

    Compensation Request - JYeeXtreme - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Jason Yee Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198001295883 Character ID: 15445 The date when this happened: 02/23/24 The time when this happened: 21:03 Please provide full detail and evidence: Tried to display the Omnis e-GT demonstrator and it disappeared...
  14. JYeeXtreme

    Import Replacements Suggestions / Vanilla Like Cars

    Some of these vehicles are in newer builds that are not stable yet. I believe it's usually stable after a year after it being released, but given R* owns CFx / FiveM now - maybe that'll speed up a bit. In fact, the Aleutian was bugged and fixed in FiveM before it gets patched in GTA:O. I...
  15. JYeeXtreme

    Del Perro PDM | Super Car Draw (January 2024)

    Draw results are in! Congratulations to the following winners 👏 I will reach out to all the winners by phone call tonight. Autarch - Pete Wright Emerus - Lylla Lawrence Krieger - Harlow Mcenzie Reaper - Harry Mikaelson Zentorno - Tomas Zubizarreta