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Recent content by Kate Anderson

  1. Kate Anderson

    Does Helmet Armour have a place on RPUK?

    YoUr OnLy SaYinG ThIs CaUsE OcCuLt sHoUlD'vE DoNe ThIS Sorry was way too tempting 👀. I'm interested in this topic though because gunfights seem to have taken over a way too big part in the daily life of the city. So I'm curious on what will be posted here. *Enjoys popcorn* 🍿
  2. Kate Anderson


    I think he means a channel that is not for chatting but a permanent post of information. However I know that we already struggle with available channels, but I'm not sure how those would work in terms of available "slots"
  3. Kate Anderson

    Sandy Shores Scrap Yard

    Depends what the Devs have in mind with the existing cars 👀
  4. Kate Anderson

    Healthy Gamer

  5. Kate Anderson

    Patreon/Subscription donation service for a seat at a monthly RPUK sit down/town hall

    I truly understand where you are coming from but this will lead this community in a very dark rabbit hole of paid goodies. Furthermore it would pressure the devs even more and they don't/can't get paid any coin. If you wish to support the community and the server monetarily, there is already the...
  6. Kate Anderson

    Response For PD Application?

    You'll receive a message via forum dm
  7. Kate Anderson

    Black Pictures

    So the evidence pictures were taken by the camera item in-game and stayed in my inventory over night. I'm not sure what source the camera uses for the pictures. Reaching day two they were no longer working. However,I believe it could be an isolated instance, since I didn't run into this...
  8. Kate Anderson

    Farewell but not forever.

    Dwayne, it has been a pleasure! Until we meet again ❤️
  9. Kate Anderson

    Report a bug - Kate Anderson - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Michelle Black Steam ID: 76561197960287930 Date: Apr 11, 2024 Time: 15:32 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: F6 clothing in public Provide a full description of the bug: Female clothing Jacket number 378 is a Cutlass jacket publicly available Link(s)...
  10. Kate Anderson

    A more realistic prison system

    Thread 'Prison Time-Rework (round 2) - Serve prison time in person' https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/prison-time-rework-round-2-serve-prison-time-in-person.411437/
  11. Kate Anderson

    Black Pictures

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Kate Anderson Steam ID: 76561197960287930 Date: Mar 31, 2024 Time: 16:39 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: black evidence pictures Provide a full description of the bug: So Evidence pictures I took yesterday are today blacked out. I relogged to check if...
  12. Kate Anderson

    Illicitly Enhanced Consumables

    I like, however it's a mountain of work to implement.
  13. Kate Anderson

    Official 10 Year Pin Badge (SOLD OUT)

    The white choco is Pepper and the black one is Merlin. They're the rest of my boys, I used to have more, but they don't live forever 🌈❤️
  14. Kate Anderson

    Ryan Kray

    Krayson is very special. I love him and am annoyed of him at the same time. The amount of times he made me laugh or cheered me up I cannot count. He once broke character to cheer me up in character. I will never forget that ❤️