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Martle's latest activity

  • Martle
    Martle posted the thread Phone app Suggestion in GTA RP Chat.
    I know this has probably been brought up before. With the new Bin job, there must be a way to have a job app or crew app on the phone, I...
  • Martle
    Martle replied to the thread Avion Setup.
    I do like that box u have that has the tablet in. I need more monitors tbh just don't want to buy one lol
  • Martle
    Martle posted the thread Ryan Kray in GTA RP.
    Well where do I start, ever since I met @Ryan Kray in the police force he's RP is always top-notch IMO. Every time am with him, he makes...
  • Martle
    Martle replied to the thread Conrad Jones.
    Must say I agree, one of my fav officers, I now do his shy dance when he isn't around. :)