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Recent content by qaws

  1. qaws

    Baz over and out.

    Shame to see you go man, always had good rp with you from Triads up to now. Wish you the best mate!
  2. qaws

    Robbing/Killing Rule Change

  3. qaws

    Report a player - 332 - GTA RP

    I do not have a longer clip because the longer clip I had corrupted sadly. I just thought I'd mention it.
  4. qaws

    Allow 3rd Person Shooting on Bikes and as Passenger.

    +1 on bikes. We never see bf400 with a sawnoff anymore. As with any fight, balance is everything. You won't have 25 bf400 with sawnies same way you don't have 12 helis with revs in them. It's all about balancing it out. Have a couple people on roofs, have a heli with revs/markies, have some...
  5. qaws

    The Smoothie Market

    -1, I think we should get off the smoothie meta and use different types of food. How realistic is it that we all just chug high-sugar smoothies all day? We will all be diabetic in a couple years. If anything smoothies should be made less interesting. And that's me saying that owning a shop with...
  6. qaws

    Report a player - 332 - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: Arnold de Jong Reported Players: 332 Date: Aug 17, 2024 Time: 17:30 What best describes this incident: Racism Please (in detail) describe the incident: Called me the n word. Clip is long due to me getting his ID. Also assumed to have combatlogged and...
  7. qaws

    GTA RP - Local LS Customs upgrades not applying and charging multiple times.

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Peter Wright Steam ID: 76561198048467455 Date: Aug 13, 2024 Time: 22:50 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Local LS Customs upgrades not applying and charging multiple times. Provide a full description of the bug...
  8. qaws

    Compensation Request - qaws - GTA RP

    Character Name: Peter Wright Character ID: 95321 Steam ID: 76561198048467455 Game: GTA RP Date: Aug 13, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: I was trying to put suspension 3/4 on my re-7b but AE was closed so I went to local LS customs. I pressed enter to purchase but nothing happened. So a...
  9. qaws

    What a day

    What a day
  10. qaws


    Captain Cumswallows and 2nd in command Creampie 😂
  11. qaws


    Big shoutout to whoever played sea shanty 2 when I asked. Was a mad funny experience and I'm happy it went the way it did. Especially all of the occult and Ffrench (funny bastard!) made me laugh so hard. Thanks for a great experience once again!
  12. qaws

    GTA RP - Guns not firing.

    Ever since I've been aware of it having to do with archies eye (maybe 6-9 months ago?) I have never had an issue with it. If my gun doesn't shoot I will spam the eye a few times and it's sorted. @Atlas did you try at any point when you were having issues to spam alt? If not try that, maybe...
  13. qaws

    GTA RP - Guns not firing.

    This. Like maverick said, resetui will also reset the eye so archies eye is most likely the cause. I've found when unable to shoot I am also unable to punch or to enter a vehicle. Spamming alt seems to fix it, sometimes in combination with swinging my mouse left to right.
  14. qaws

    PC FiveM stutters on RPUK!

    It's been crazy the past few weeks. IDK what changed. 3080 on 2k and I go from 140 fps down to 30, keeps stuttering. No idea what changed or happened. I can't even have a proper police chase anymore because I keep lagging behind.
  15. qaws

    Report a player - 160 - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: Peter Wright Reported Players: 160 Date: Aug 2, 2024 Time: 15:00 What best describes this incident: (C2.3) Combat logging Please (in detail) describe the incident: After hearing from someone that this guy had a gun and was shooting people for seemingly...