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Recent content by Samuel Shire

  1. Samuel Shire

    Suggestion: No gunfights in Hospitals

    if going from 1x to 3x did not bother them i don't think it will bother them bumping it more plus it cant go to high as going to prison had to also be fair on the player so they dont spend unenjoyable amounts of time inside
  2. Samuel Shire

    Suggestion: No gunfights in Hospitals

    as nice as a green zone may sound they are also a pain as people will try and either run to them for a defence or people will loiter inside it but taunt people outside it and be like well I'm on this side of the line so you cant kill me then when they get shot anyway it will end up in reports...
  3. Samuel Shire

    Add a music player for vehicles.

    https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/car-radios.425053/ It gets rejected every time
  4. Samuel Shire


    I would presume the lower the percent of the drug the lower the money you would be makeing so if 100% is £800 per sale 25% will be around £200 per sale?
  5. Samuel Shire

    Boxing event

    its cool i checked i mean was it part of the original game or a custom place added on, its a MLO from what i can see so it also depends if they could even edit the thing like some MLO creators lock their content so you cant change them
  6. Samuel Shire

    Boxing event

    Is the place basegame or a mlo?
  7. Samuel Shire

    Food Delivery Additional vehicle's

    Exactly my thoughts, hell the police could maybe even throw it into the RP when someone gets their licence banned and just mention being able to use the cycles for work
  8. Samuel Shire

    Food Delivery Additional vehicle's

    Well 1 additional vehicle kind of, so when i have been on duty as G6 and someone is being transported in for driving with no licence the one thing they usually bring up is they have pretty much no way of earning any money with a banned licence, now i know its not the job everyone wants to do but...
  9. Samuel Shire

    Add a tebex store

    I would have to look it up but I have a feeling it might even be against the cfx/fiveM tos to try to make money off your server like I say not 100% Also I'm sure he was pleasantly happy with my £1000 donation last year where I wasent expecting anything in return...
  10. Samuel Shire

    Add a tebex store

    Only works tho if they are paying a monthly fee to keep the use of the clothing, if 500 people pay 1 time for custom stuff then a few months down the line your back at square one Tho I'd also feel sorry for the poor dev who now has to also scour the internet to make sure there's not copyright...
  11. Samuel Shire

    Add a tebex store

    Tbf clothing is actually a aquward one for server recourses, to add in the ability of having many many custom clothing peices the server would need more recourse use and thus increase the monthly upkeep of the server, pretty much the reason when gangs got new clothes most of the old ones they...
  12. Samuel Shire

    Add a tebex store

    i mean like 2 buisness will change your numberplate allready
  13. Samuel Shire

    Add a tebex store

    yep 2 places in the city will do it for you
  14. Samuel Shire

    Add a tebex store

    I would also note if people donate to a point where Devs are getting paid then the direction of the server could go massively AWOL as people will want to dictate I paid so I'd like this done, so for example think if all the crim players are donating they will more likely want things to be worked...
  15. Samuel Shire

    Add a tebex store

    I would bet if you lowered the cap to say 250 then added a £5 prio it would get a good amount of purchase, if you have pay 100 and you get a car people will feel crappy as they would want that car but aren't paying for it