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  1. Charles Vane

    Report a player - rhiya - GTA RP

    Report denied. Lack of evidence.
  2. Charles Vane

    Report a player - Bobby from cutlass i believe - GTA RP

    A lot of accusations being thrown all over the place here. So, from what i have just double checked i can see that Jordan and Ben were both shot 12 and 13 seconds before you were shot @Molotov and there death location as you say was near mosleys just around the corner. I would assume from what...
  3. Charles Vane

    Report a player - 411 - GTA RP

    I dont feel like your clip is long enough for us to know what the ramming is about and the recording not capturing your mic also does not help. However i will be pushing a 1 day ban on this player for G2.3 (Roleplay everything) as he clearly breaks character. Thanks for the report.
  4. Charles Vane

    Report a player - Vito chippieones and gang member Harper - GTA RP

    Whilst this report is easy for you to say "he shouldnt know be because of this and we dumped him" We cannot prove for certain that you and him have not had any other interactions within the time after that. Proving these things is quite a hard thing to do. So i will have to close this report...
  5. Charles Vane

    Unban Appeal - condes - GTA RP

  6. Charles Vane

    Report a player - Grove - GTA RP

    So with this, the timings of it all, the spaced out log in times all cannot prove that this was in fact a hop on. Whilst it may look that way and there is probably some element of OOC influence here by asking people to log in. We cannot see from the evidence that it was all done for this sole...
  7. Charles Vane

    Report a player - Mickey ? his discord username is Xero vBlade - GTA RP

    @kindablindtv please could you respond to my previous message
  8. Charles Vane

    Report a player - Baller ID13 - GTA RP

    Forcing someone into a situation where there is only 1 winner would be something like robbing people in a clothes shop, robbing someone mid animation..... as you did. Like i have said on previous reports i deal with NVL in a way where if i dont see a 99% chance of that being successful then i...
  9. Charles Vane

    Report a player - Pirus members (Dont have any IDs) - GTA RP

    Okay, its clear there was some history into WHY you just shot. However due to the time between the clips and the fact that Junior and his crew wouldnt have known it was because of the attempted robbery with the boxes. Thats why we have ended up with a player report here. So @Lewis Johnson you...
  10. Charles Vane

    Report a player - 60 - GTA RP

    Sometimes its difficult to deem something NVL or not. So, what i try to do is think about it like. Did the player have a chance to escape. Was it like a 99% chance they die. In this case, i think yes. He has a chance to escape here. It wasnt like 99% chance he would die. So, for this specific...
  11. Charles Vane

    Report a player - Unknown (Grove?) - GTA RP

    Okay, lets try get into this. I will start by saying, RPUK trys its best to protect members of the community from all kinds of different topics that people may find offensive or upsetting. Now, this could be all sorts, like racism, sexism. However recently it seems like people are walking...
  12. Charles Vane

    Report a player - Mickey ? his discord username is Xero vBlade - GTA RP

    Can you do me a favor @kindablindtv Can you please edit the post to show the time stamps we need to watch to prove your claims with a start and finish time please. Just so we know how much of this we need to watch?
  13. Charles Vane

    Report a player - Unknown (Grove?) - GTA RP

    Is that an edited picture of the actual conversation then @Bmav ?
  14. Charles Vane

    Report a player - Grove - GTA RP

    Is there any more evidence about Bmav pushing members to log in for this? or just that message you have there?
  15. Charles Vane

    Report a player - 794 - GTA RP

    This report would have been denied due to lack of evidence before the event. However this player is permanently banned anyway. I will add this onto his ban notes for future reference.
  16. Charles Vane

    Report a player - Unknown | Possibly Neb Grove - GTA RP

    @Greggs @Neb Would you be interested in continuing this situation or do you want me to go ahead with the report?
  17. Charles Vane

    Report a player - Caldo, Ant and Kilo Cutlass - GTA RP

    So looking into this properly, from the message that Cutlass sent about "teccas being cheeky" to when this all happened. There were a bunch of messages between you all on tweedle. You Ted were provoking here with pics in their safehouse, rat images, "3 of you cant even get 1 tecca car hahah...
  18. Charles Vane

    Report a player - Kaine Parry - 105962 - GTA RP

    Do you have any clips of transporting this guy? or him in cuffs or anything?
  19. Charles Vane

    Report a player - Unknown Cutlass - GTA RP

    Not sure if i have missed something somewhere, but i never thought of hitting a body was a exploit. It does seem like the car is going through the bushes and maybe it was intentional to hit the body which in RP obviously does not make sense to what i assume is another gang member of theres. If...