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  1. Atlas

    Make all helmets/head wear persistent in vehicles

    +1 and whilst we’re at it, can certain hair styles not poke through hats 😄
  2. Atlas

    New Forum Backgrounds!

  3. Atlas

    PS Zack Tech

    Big up Zack, gutted we had to rush off now 😄
  4. Atlas


    I understand what you’re saying but I still don’t necessarily agree. I’ve done quite a lot of sim racing and track days and battling other cars is part of racing and a skill in and of itself. If you were looking to always take the perfect racing line and get the fastest possible time then that’s...
  5. Atlas


    As an RPU main, its a +1 from me. I'd 100% love to see more active street racing. There is however a couple of points I'm unsure on The extra fuel could work in RP as something like using 'super high octane' race fuel which costs a decent amount more and gives you like 50% extra MPG for example...
  6. Atlas

    Separating Voices and Game Audio

    If you open up the sonar software, you can drag and drop the boxes for different apps to the output you want. Try that see if it works
  7. Atlas

    A more realistic prison system

    +1 There's some really positive things that could come of this, a few being; > It would bring huge amounts more RP To G6 and those in jail > It would make custordy RP much more interesting and boost the need for solicitors whilst also forcing police do their job better and meet the burden of...
  8. Atlas

    Give the police N.H.S. 'Downed' dispatches

    As an ex-NHS main, I'm afraid its going to be a -1 from myself Without going off on a massive rant and tangent, there is a fundamental problem within the NHS and I feel this change would further reduce the desire for people to log on and play the faction and add yet another pressure on the...
  9. Atlas

    Police panic buttons.

    So the radios we have do work pretty similar to how the airwaves systems we use within the UK emergency services, with the exception that on the server they don’t openly broadcast everything, which works to crims advantage here. What Lil said is actually a solid idea, a 1/2 second or so long...
  10. Atlas

    Crosshair X and other easily abused 3rd Party apps

    Why would you need to pay £7 for something that is literally built into FiveM? You can customise your crosshair with csgo settings for free lmao
  11. Atlas

    Report a player - 162 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Alex Taylor Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 162 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 02/01/24 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1316 What best describes this incident ?: Combat Logging Please...
  12. Atlas

    Tattoo Studio Menu Change?

    +1, Also adding some of the newer DLC tattoo's for abit more variety wouldn't be a bad thing 😁
  13. Atlas

    Add more UK immersion.

    +1 on the stations, both the Sinner St and Traffic HQ are actually quite nice quality and give the place a much more UK feel, generic non-specific UK Police branding too! The stations we've got now definitely have a very American feel to them, especially Davis
  14. Atlas


  15. Atlas

    Server Wipe - Keep existing factions/GANGS/Major Businesses

    IMO removing the huge stockpiles of guns and cash would have a HUGE effect on roleplay, mainly for the gangs and police but with a large trickle down effect for normal civilians. These nightly gang wars which take over parts of the city wouldn't be happening. Every btec roadman you see wouldn't...
  16. Atlas

    Report a player - 377 & 380 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Alex Taylor Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 377 & 380 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 10/11/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1709 What best describes this incident ?: Combat...
  17. Atlas

    Panic Button Change

    I disagree with this part, irl the police use the same Sepura radio's we use in the Ambulance Service, you can very easily and discretely activate it and mute the emergency tone, especially for police who usually wear earpieces too. Right now, as others have said there is a clear animation for...
  18. Atlas

    Trucking Profession rebalance - at least 2 times worse than taxi financially

    +1 bring back the absolute chaos that was the trucking depo down by the docks 😄
  19. Atlas

    Ever wanted that username...

    Ill take @Atlas, if its still available. Doesn't look active 😄