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  1. kyle dolan

    Compensation Request - kyle dolan - GTA RP

    unfortunately not, as soon as it happened i clipped it so they clips are the only things i have, any decision made i appreciate as the replies have been very fast
  2. kyle dolan

    Compensation Request - kyle dolan - GTA RP

    hi there i appreciate the speedy response, you can see in the clip however i try to place 50k chips down and it takes 100k chips out, then when i pushed it i only received 50k chips back, when i won it took 100k chips out and only counted as a 50k bet meaning i only won 100k instead of 200k
  3. kyle dolan

    Compensation Request - kyle dolan - GTA RP

    sorry i have linked the same video twice, here is the other one https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/2bi4TDyvuLCEnb/d1337cV4hBpr?invite=cr-MSxDWWwsODMxMTk0MjUs
  4. kyle dolan

    Compensation Request - kyle dolan - GTA RP

    Character Name: Kye Dolan Character ID: 20365 Steam ID: 76561199121780557 Game: GTA RP Date: May 5, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: hi there, i was at the casino betting my money, and went to place another 50k bet down, it then placed 2 lots of 50k down (100) even though i only placed...
  5. kyle dolan

    Report a player - 516, 509 - Keiffer - GTA RP

    no mate i do understand, i was answering the member of marabunta not you.  You have not only put up a ban report but also came up to the group in RP and demanded we gave you something in return for the incident to which we agreed that we would so you have taken multiple actions in dealing with...
  6. kyle dolan

    Report a player - 516, 509 - Keiffer - GTA RP

    hi mate, as discussed in discord we made a phone call saying we were coming up so its his fault for not warning you to add onto that id be happy to go into lesion again to discuss it as there was plenty of other people in there meaning we couldn't have a proper conversation 
  7. kyle dolan

    Report a player - 516, 509 - Keiffer - GTA RP

    Hi mate we sorted this issue in discord no? you were happy with the fact that you were caught in the crossfire and realised that we had an incident with marabunta and also warned them that we were arriving. In the clip you can see the fact that one member of marabunta also went down with you...
  8. kyle dolan

    Report a player - 1055, 1044, 1040 - GTA RP

    Fair enough, from your perspective i can see how it is RDM and i apologise, there has been miscommunication from another member of the gang who made the situation to be something that it wasn't, can completely understand shouts of RDM- player 1055