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Recent content by Deacon

  1. Deacon

    Unban Appeal - Deacon - GTA RP

    I'm being completely honest when I tell you that I have absolutely 0 recollection of a single time within the last month, outside of G6 training earlier this week, of even shooting at another player from 3rd person within a vehicle. I'm not even sure if I have shot a single person from a vehicle...
  2. Deacon

    Unban Appeal - Deacon - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Dimitri Petrov Steam ID: 76561198114711340 Ban ID (just the numbers): 17388 Ban Reason: C2.2 Why do you think you were banned: Assuming based on the post in #announcements, I would presume it's to do with 3rd person shooting from a vehicle. Whilst I won't say...
  3. Deacon

    Report a bug - Deacon - GTA RP

    Moved images to something that won't get deleted within no time at all :) https://gyazo.com/82ecfe13d37e439349067bdd1ae1de4f https://gyazo.com/8142f0d988e12ecd68890152da3331c4
  4. Deacon

    Report a bug - Deacon - GTA RP

  5. Deacon

    Report a bug - Deacon - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Dimitri Petrov Steam ID: 76561198114711340 Date: Apr 7, 2024 Time: 17:20 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Dispatches do not get pushed to discord when done through text (as opposed to phone > favorites > dispatch) Provide a full description of the...
  6. Deacon

    Flywheels Vehicle Upgrades

    Love all the work and RP that's already been done up at FlyWheels and would love to see more coming from it.
  7. Deacon

    Hosptial beds restore food and drink

    So make it regen very slowly, or just stop losing it at least. I personally wouldn't go afk for 10 minutes to save 1k on smoothies.
  8. Deacon

    Gun doesnt shoot

    Interesting. I very recently changed from 1080p to 4k, since then, I've had to deal with insane UI lag. UI will completely freeze for even 10-15 seconds. I press F2 and it'll just freeze and I have to sit there waiting for it to catch up. Are you experiencing a similar problem? Does the server...
  9. Deacon

    Skill check laggy when picking fruit

    My issues funnily were less bad with NVE installed. Since uninstalling it's gotten a lot worse, also getting constantly freezes whilst just driving around.  R9 5900x, 3070ti, 32GB @ 4000Mhz. Certainly not a specs issue, nothing goes above 40% usage. It's so odd.
  10. Deacon

    Radio Boosters Improvement

  11. Deacon

    Mobile Phone Wallpapers

    Looks fucking rad. Thanks dude.
  12. Deacon

    Mobile Phone Wallpapers

    Any chance at a Fallen Angels MC one?
  13. Deacon

    Add a option to Message the person who placed a disptach

    This'd be really nice. +1
  14. Deacon

    Skill check laggy when picking fruit

    Even with the "Fix 'UI lag'" option enabled, this is still something that happens constantly to me, also running into massive issues with opening inventory/using eye/opening chat taking multiple seconds to load. Worst UI lag I've ever experienced in FiveM, all whilst having the option enabled.
  15. Deacon

    Stomach growling sounds when starving

    It's really not that hard to check your food every once in a while, water same thing. Like Steve said, feels like kind of a pointless distraction. -1