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Recent content by El Vito Corleone

  1. E

    Unban Appeal - El Vito Corleone - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Vito Chippieone Steam ID: 76561199230139421 Ban ID (just the numbers): 17204 Ban Reason: OOC information/ G3.1 Why do you think you were banned: The reason why I think i was banned is that I was watching a stream on Discord whilst i was on the server. Why...
  2. E

    Compensation Request - El Vito Corleone - GTA RP

    Character Name: Vito Chippieone Character ID: 371 Steam ID: 76561199230139421 Game: GTA RP Date: May 22, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: I gave someone in the casino 300k to bet on the table for me, and when he put the money down it did not give him any cards and then just disappeared...
  3. E

    Report a player - 752 - GTA RP

    Ok, that's fine mate, thanks for the reply.
  4. E

    Report a player - 752 - GTA RP

    Hi Luke, about this moment of trolling yes I was taking my time but there was no rule break i still did everything you asked me to do. I had a conversation with one of your members in QE about it and we talked it out i don't get why you are saying I showed no remorse, I was calm the full time...
  5. E

    Report a player - Vito chippieones and gang member Harper - GTA RP

    I’m not sure how I got your number that could’ve happened in various ways. What actually are you implying I did to get your number? Also I don’t see the point of trying to get me banned as I said I recognised you, I didn’t even act upon that statement, I left you in the hospital after having a...
  6. E

    Report a player - Vito chippieones and gang member Harper - GTA RP

    Hello Jamie, With all due respect what are you reporting me for I'm actually confused as to what your reporting me for your reasoning states Fail RP and you have displayed a clip about a minute long of us just chatting, now in your reasoning it sounds like your wanting me banned for one of...
  7. E

    Unban Appeal - El Vito Corleone - GTA RP

    Thanks for the quick reply again Violet. Yes about the ‘Houdini’ situation, I’ve already said that I was frustrated about being caught and I dismissed the full situation of RP at that time, I was trying to be funny but instead it was a severely immature moment on my side to get myself out of...
  8. E

    Unban Appeal - El Vito Corleone - GTA RP

    Thanks for the quick response again, I'm also well thank you. You can be sure this won't happen again because, during my time on other servers gaining experience with RP, I've realised that my silly action of combat logging was very unneeded and that RP'ing with other people is a fun and...
  9. E

    Unban Appeal - El Vito Corleone - GTA RP

    Hi again, thanks for the quick response, hope your day is well. What happened before I inconsiderately logged off was, that I was in a high-speed police chase and they caught me, they detained me and talked me through what I had done wrong, then placed me into their car. I was irritated and...
  10. E

    Unban Appeal - El Vito Corleone - GTA RP

    Hello Violet, my day is going dandy so far thanks for asking, yourself? At the time my knowledge of the rules were lacklustre however I'd be lying if I said I didn't know combat logging was a rulebreak, it was the consequences and severity of my actions where the full misunderstanding lies I...
  11. E

    Unban Appeal - El Vito Corleone - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Graeme Steam ID: 76561199230139421 Ban ID (just the numbers): 15290 Ban Reason: C2.3 Why do you think you were banned: I combat logged in the hands of custody. Why should we unban you: Hi, Sorry I never responded to my last appeal, I didn't have any access...
  12. E

    Unban Appeal - El Vito Corleone - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Graeme Steam ID: 76561199230139421 Ban ID (just the numbers): rpuk15290 Ban Reason: C2.3 Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for combat logging while in the hands of custody. Why should we unban you: I'd like to be unbanned as I made a daft and...