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Recent content by Ferkis

  1. Ferkis

    Shout me x

    Shout me x
  2. Ferkis

    I'd have put you on tick mate

    I'd have put you on tick mate
  3. Ferkis

    Hopefully 👌😀

    Hopefully 👌😀
  4. Ferkis

    Adjustments to bin Jobs

    It is a piss take how much money you get on this job
  5. Ferkis

    Adjustments to bin Jobs

    £987k We got from 30 mins on a 40 Bin job hahaha
  6. Ferkis

    Adjustments to bin Jobs

    Also would love too see the job nerfed and the bins to have realistic loot 😂
  7. Ferkis

    Report a player - Unknown - GTA RP

    Hi mate apologies for late reply, I lost all my clips of sit due too moving over ssd's.
  8. Ferkis

    Crosshair X and other easily abused 3rd Party apps

    I got my Crosshair x for 3 quid actually was well worth it!
  9. Ferkis

    Crosshair X and other easily abused 3rd Party apps

    How do I downvote a suggestion on the new forums? Edit: Scratch that found it!
  10. Ferkis

    Crosshair X and other easily abused 3rd Party apps

    Honestly do think this suggestion is just a bait or a windup 😂
  11. Ferkis

    Crosshair X and other easily abused 3rd Party apps

    Ngl, this seems like a joke 😂
  12. Ferkis

    Report a player - Unknown - GTA RP

    I've got a few clips of the RP before hand I can send when I am back from work, should be able to provide some context. (Was going to upload them last night, fell asleep chair 😂)
  13. Ferkis

    Report a player - Unknown - GTA RP

    Hi guys,  I will reply to this as my character Mike Raffone was involved with the 2 ish hour stand-off with G6 and the Lost Mc. I'll keep it short as I was not too much involved but was present at the scene of the shooting and was inside with Shepherd when they where there, can try add some...
  14. Ferkis

    Sammy & Drex

  15. Ferkis

    Sammy & Drex

    Fuck drex, sammys nice. Died of thirst at the event. I put in ooc and I didn't realise it was thirst that killed me. Drex teleported on me and dropped a smoothie, "Think you need this mate" 😔