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Gordon2's latest activity

  • Gordon2
    Some thoughts of mine as this would be unbalanced in the police's favor. Just a straight up no to a regular officer being able to flag...
  • Gordon2
    Good evening, The idea occurred to me while staring at TeamSpeak and being blasted by a forgotten memory of the whisper system the...
  • Gordon2
    Gordon2 replied to the thread Police Ski mask with "POLICE".
    +1 just for this comment
  • Gordon2
    Gordon2 posted the thread Add Vehicle Durability in GTARP.
    This one goes out to the hardworking mechanics of the server. The idea that popped into my head is that vehicles having durability that...
  • Gordon2
    Gordon2 replied to the thread More housing.
    Could help if you could provide pictures of the locations because as it currently stands this suggestion is not very descriptive.
  • Gordon2
    Gordon2 reacted to Tobes's post in the thread Joe Scrub with Like Like.
    This man made me lift all the crates while we loaded them for a straight month while working together on a job. Why? you might ask...
  • Gordon2
    Gordon2 replied to the thread Joe Scrub.
    Workmans Comp looking at Joe Scrub for a month like
    • 1717383460714.png
  • Gordon2
    @Swayhh I can confirm Steve did send multiple messages after his time with the police to get Cutlass to come to Liaison. So, in this...
  • Gordon2
    Alright, a couple of things. Correct me if I'm wrong but to sum up the series of events in a short order. You stole a vehicle from a...
  • Gordon2
    Gordon2 replied to the thread Foggy weather.
    +1 so the Occult can silent hill people in Paleto.
  • Gordon2
    If people are going to the hospital solely for fighting, then that comes under not only G6 but other rules. The end goal is to allow...
  • Gordon2
    So, a few comments. Green zone's were a big thing in Arma (Shoutout to the Kavala Hobos). This is a very old idea for a modern problem...
  • Gordon2
    Gordon2 replied to the thread HELPFUL CHANNELS.
    I feel like a lot of stuff could be avoided if when someone asks a question in Help on Discord they're not bombarded with "Find out in...
  • Gordon2
    Gordon2 reacted to Lily Rose's post in the thread Speed Camera Disable Adjustment with Like Like.
    Itd be cool if there was a minigame! Just not the same one... kinda linking back to marks recent suggestion c:
  • Gordon2
    Tickets! Tickets! Tickets! The speed cameras are loved by police and hated by everyone else. As it currently stands you can disable them...