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Taxi activity - Food requests


I was thinking that while you do the taxi activity you could be prompted by the client(NPC) that they request a particular food or drink item. If you satisify their request then you will earn a cash bonus (happiness). The longer the trip the more requests you may get. So you could carry a variety of food and drink items on you as the loot table for the NPC could be large and random meaning you must keep stocked. You can still continue without providing any food and drink and just get the default amount.

You could potentially even get a rare request from a dodgy NPC that asks for a few bags of coke or weed which can give you an even higher bonus.

Maybe this can be exchanged through the taxi glovebox or another way. Not sure if this is possible.
I guess that the amount per trip can be capped so that people don't abuse it by driving really slowly creating infitite bonuses.

Apologies if this is already something suggested but I can't seem to find a search feature in this part of the forums.