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  1. CJ

    Report a player - 701 - Grape - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: Riccardo Johnson Reported Players: 701 - Grape Date: May 21, 2024 Time: 22:30 What best describes this incident: C2.2, C4.1, G4.4 Please (in detail) describe the incident: Whiskey was sent this text in-game...
  2. CJ

    NPAS camera still accessible out of helicopter.

    Steam ID: 76561198163672680 Character ID: 51092 When did this happen: 09/28/23 Summary: NPAS camera still accessible out of helicopter. Full Description: I am very unsure how this has happened, I assume due to the fact that the helicopter landed while I had the camera open resulting in...
  3. CJ

    Give items through player interact menu

    Giving items to other players using the new interact feature when using the alt key when looking at someone would be a great QoL addition. A quick conceptual idea would be - having a "Give Item" option in the interaction menu, and when using it your inventory pops up, but the only player you...
  4. CJ

    Vehicles turns when using the evidence camera.

    Steam ID: 76561198163672680 Character ID: 51092 When did this happen: 09/03/23 Summary: Vehicles turns when using the evidence camera. Full Description: When you are in the driver's seat of a vehicle and use the new evidence camera and turn the camera, the whole vehicle turns with you, this...
  5. CJ

    Unban Appeal - CJ_ - Discord

    Unban Appeal for CJ_  In-game Name: CJ Tyrrell Server: Discord Steam ID: 76561198163672680 Ban ID: CJ#2147 Reason given for your ban: C1.2/C6.2 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for the comments I made towards Liam and Mystix in Discord back in...