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  1. Smurfy_E3

    Report a player - 492/481 - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: Quinton West Reported Players: 492/481 Date: May 19, 2024 Time: 20:30 What best describes this incident: Attempted RDM/Combat log Please (in detail) describe the incident: Video speaks for itself 2 guys broke my car and tried to stab me then later on...
  2. Smurfy_E3

    Lid out

    I'm gonna ya mate❤️hopefully you'll be back at some point so we can do some more stupid stuff 😆👌
  3. Smurfy_E3


  4. Smurfy_E3

    You dont know the half of it hahaha it got so much worse when I was out of the gallery roaming...

    You dont know the half of it hahaha it got so much worse when I was out of the gallery roaming around the streets xD 
  5. Smurfy_E3

    It used to be a 7-8 person job and even that was a stretch for them so I'm improving at least...

    It used to be a 7-8 person job and even that was a stretch for them so I'm improving at least hahahaha
  6. Smurfy_E3

    [IMG]You dirty little spear chucker xD return to sender 

    You dirty little spear chucker xD return to sender 
  7. Smurfy_E3

    Compensation Request - Smurfy_E3 - GTA RP

    thank you very much 🙂
  8. Smurfy_E3

    Compensation Request - Smurfy_E3 - GTA RP

    AI23 KGQ was the car I had them in 
  9. Smurfy_E3

    Compensation Request - Smurfy_E3 - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: James Elbridge Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198157928342 Character ID: 49565 The date when this happened: 05/02/23 Please provide full detail and evidence: Brought some ammo off one my friends and put it all in the boot of one of my cars and when I went to...
  10. Smurfy_E3

    Report a player - 204 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Smurfy Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 204 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 08/30/22 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2000 What best describes this incident ?: (G2.3) Please (in detail)...
  11. Smurfy_E3

    Report a player - 504&225 - GTA RP

    Hey 🙂 thanks for looking at this unfortunately I don't as I only record when things have happened at that time as I have set my recordings to 9 minutes 
  12. Smurfy_E3

    Report a player - 504&225 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Smurfy Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 504&225 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 08/17/22 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2300 What best describes this incident ?: possible C1.2...
  13. Smurfy_E3

    Gonna miss Dee-Jay best guy in the city so sad to see him go 😢 Ima make you haunt me xD

    Gonna miss Dee-Jay best guy in the city so sad to see him go 😢 Ima make you haunt me xD
  14. Smurfy_E3

    Racing | RPUK

    So Fucking good 😁👌 such a good job!
  15. Smurfy_E3

    New melee weapons

    I get what you are saying but as they are made to be heavy weapons wouldn't make it realistic to have to much of a damage reduction, like I say maybe have them in a location hidden on the map so more responsible players can go and find them through RP, brought up a good point of only being able...
  16. Smurfy_E3

    New melee weapons

    Love the new melee weapons but I would recommend increasing the price of them because every new person is running around one hitting people, so I would suggest upping the price of them to 50k or something along them lines as it would put a lot of the new people off getting them and just running...
  17. Smurfy_E3

    Compensation Request - Smurfy_E3 - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: James Elbridge Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198157928342 The date when this happened: 04/21/22 Please provide full detail and evidence: Here we are again 'sigh' I think the locals don't want me to have nice things they have stolen my lights...
  18. Smurfy_E3

    Compensation Request - Smurfy_E3 - GTA RP

    hahaha yes back again lol yes that's the one and brought it from the garage and slowly upgraded it 🙂
  19. Smurfy_E3

    Compensation Request - Smurfy_E3 - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: James Elbridge Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198157928336 The date when this happened: 04/14/22 Please provide full detail and evidence: this happened once before, my light on my Alfa changed back from me having the black light headlights back the the normal...