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  1. SemiBanana

    GTA RP - "Claim Reward" button not showing up upon being done with a garbage run

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Josh Williams Steam ID: 76561198222249036 Date: May 31, 2024 Time: 17:50 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: "Claim Reward" button not showing up upon being done with a garbage run Provide a full description of the bug: I went to claim the reward after...
  2. SemiBanana

    Report a player - 84 - GTA RP

    This report was resolved in liaison (y)🍌
  3. SemiBanana

    Report a player - 84 - GTA RP

    before stating my reply, I am not accusing you of anything, just merely conveying my own opinions and thoughts. It is hard for me to believe that you saw me on another convoy because at the only other money transport convoy I was a part of, I had different hair, a different beard, I was a PC...
  4. SemiBanana

    Report a player - 84 - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: James Smith Reported Players: 84 Date: Mar 30, 2024 Time: 16:20 What best describes this incident: G7.3/ Low quality RP Please (in detail) describe the incident: *TIME IS IN GMT* Due to an incident before between Vagos and The Police, I was downed by a...
  5. SemiBanana

    Underwater Scavenging

    +1 Would really like to see something like this be brought into the server.
  6. SemiBanana

    Officers Salt & Pepper

    Big up salt and pepper
  7. SemiBanana

    [IMG]@Harlow Mcenzie @Edwago - R Henderson

    @Harlow Mcenzie @Edwago - R Henderson
  8. SemiBanana

    Report a player - 1202+1050 - GTA RP

    Thank you @Scott for reviewing this report.  I'll attach the extended version of the liaison just a heads up though, it is not the full version since I didn't clip the last part. The ending is around where the medal clip ends. Thank you! 
  9. SemiBanana

    Report a player - 1202+1050 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Josh Williams Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 1202+1050 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 10/12/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 256 What best describes this incident ?: RDM/ Low...
  10. SemiBanana

    Compensation Request - SemiBanana - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Josh Williams Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198222249040 Character ID: 40247 The date when this happened: 08/07/23 Please provide full detail and evidence: I was driving up to little seoul fuel after leaving the padrino house and when I arrived there I...
  11. SemiBanana

    Compensation Request - SemiBanana - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Josh Williams Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198222249040 Character ID: 40247 The date when this happened: 08/07/23 Please provide full detail and evidence: I was driving up to little seoul fuel after leaving the padrino house and when I arrived there I...
  12. SemiBanana

    Compensation Request - SemiBanana - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Josh Williams Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198222249036 Character ID: 40247 The date when this happened: 08/04/23 Please provide full detail and evidence: So I was selling drugs down at Mara's turf where suddenly a yellow RS3 collided with the...
  13. SemiBanana

    The End Has Arrived (For Now)

    I will miss you brother. Good luck with the flight school.  Love you man
  14. SemiBanana

    Robbery System (Crim 0.75)

  15. SemiBanana

    Carboard boxes

    +1 I think it can be a great QOL change and can encourage more creativity and avenues of roleplay to be created
  16. SemiBanana

    Padrino Balcony Lock

  17. SemiBanana

    Stop falling out vehicles when downed

    +1 Makes sense.  When you shoot locals they dont just fall out the vehicle. 
  18. SemiBanana

    RPUK | Off-Roading

  19. SemiBanana


  20. SemiBanana

    The Padrinos - Videos & Screenshots

    Some late-night off-road fun  From Left to right: Pablo (Green) Rik (Pink)  Mikael (Red)  Josh (Yellow) 