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  1. BrendanLeeT

    Gruppe6 | Screenshots | Videos

    Who says Prison can't be fun?
  2. BrendanLeeT

    Gruppe6 | Screenshots | Videos

    @BURRELL found out not to put his hand into the conrete barrier hole... Fire service had to rescue him
  3. BrendanLeeT

    Gruppe6 | Screenshots | Videos

    Credits to @Hanz Kozlov
  4. BrendanLeeT


    -1 Already the RP is pretty poor from G6 side with a lot of bait dispatches to the key store and a rushed "Hands up drop your gun" when we don't always carry guns on us. Just tonight alone I was held up by 3 individuals who were insistant on me dropping my gun, taser, bean bag launcher, and...
  5. BrendanLeeT

    Harriet (Harry) "The Psycho"

    I was facinated by the snake after I saw that haha
  6. BrendanLeeT

    Council/Mayor or MPs within the City

    +1 from me will give G6 a potential new contract with their PPOs instead of just driving around Judges and CoC. Love the Schafter and Cognoscenti we have so anything that allows us to use them more
  7. BrendanLeeT

    Report a player - Unknown - Will need logs - GTA RP

    Hello, I was the one who made the callout over radio and I would like to provide my perspective regarding the incident. Prior to your arrival multiple cars and a bike pulled up and held up myself at gun point and proceeded to shoot at G6 in an attempt to rob the money van, downing 3/4 of us who...
  8. BrendanLeeT

    G6 Bullet Proof windows never break

    G6 has two different types of Stockades in the garage "Prison Truck" and "MT Stockade", the prison truck is bullet proof whilst the Money Transport is bullet resistant. If windows are not breaking when being shot at during a money transport it either means: a) The shooter isn't hitting the...
  9. BrendanLeeT

    Report a player - Steve Stacy - GTA RP

    Mainly because I knew Steve had issues with the judge and G6 was monitoring and reporting activity, I did anticipate something happening, which evidently something did. Had all G6 went inside and took eyes off the group outside we'd have no intel what is happening, where they are, numbers, etc...
  10. BrendanLeeT

    Report a player - Steve Stacy - GTA RP

    You're not really seeing my point of making the roleplay engaging for all. You attacked G6 without any quality roleplay and we're going around in circles. This will be my last reply unless staff ask a question.
  11. BrendanLeeT

    Report a player - Steve Stacy - GTA RP

    I was giving the general view of what G6 was told, you being asked to leave or not is irrelevant to the RDM report as this is merely me setting the scene. Asked to leave or not this isn't a rulebreak therefore I'm not going to go too in depth with it. It's not just yourself on the server that...
  12. BrendanLeeT

    Report a player - Steve Stacy - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Mason Edge Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Steve Stacy Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 08/19/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2346 What best describes this incident ?: (G1.2) Random...
  13. BrendanLeeT


  14. BrendanLeeT

    Do you yawn when tired

    Do you yawn when tired
  15. BrendanLeeT

    Overhaul the Food Delivery Job (More use for personal vehicles)

    Brief Summary Not sure if a suggestion similar to this has been posted in the past, but had an idea and thought to post it in case it's not been suggested. Overhaul the Food Delivery job as it's mundane and one of the few jobs you get to utilize your personal vehicle. Do a complete overhaul...
  16. BrendanLeeT

    Show job on Licence or create a licence card

    +1 Hunters and Park Rangers need to show ID to police and/or rangers to show they are legally hunting as the job would state "Hunter" on it. G6 used the ID card as a form of identification too as they do not own an ID card similar to NHS/Fire and Police. Would be quite useful to get the job...
  17. BrendanLeeT

    Report a player - 407 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Mason Edge Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 407 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 03/16/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2045 What best describes this incident ?: Combat Log Please (in...
  18. BrendanLeeT

    Report a player - 456 - GTA RP

    I'd be happy to chat in liason with you as we don't see eye to eye on this report - perhaps if we can explain in VCs it will be better? While you might have not been the one to stab G6 necessarily you was apart of that group at prison and witnessed it all going down and you got yourself...
  19. BrendanLeeT

    Report a player - 456 - GTA RP

    That's quite interesting - not going to dispute you wanted to break someone out but the RP you've provided was very poor. You group continuously attempted to steal police props right in front of us and then shout "I HAVE A HEART CONDITION" and run off - not amazing RP isn't it? At the time of...
  20. BrendanLeeT

    Report a player - 456 - GTA RP

    Hello there! I'm not the person who you've decided to report but I was a G6 on scene from the start to very finish. I have clips from your first arrival, to your second, and then your third arrival.  I'll go over the entire incident in more detail as I don't believe the g6 did RDM as the entire...