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  1. Tommo

    Reworked fishing with park rangers, What is a summer experience without Cayo Perico?

    I always said when i as a ranger i would like to see Cayo become a nature reserve for the rangers, add a few lions over there. will make it more interesting for people collecting their packages
  2. Tommo

    Adjustments to bin Jobs

    a binman shouldnt be able to work for 1 hour and be able to buy a gun, 3 hours and buy a supercar
  3. Tommo

    Adjustments to bin Jobs

    Money is crazy its far too much imo
  4. Tommo

    More variety of Jobs & Activities

    LOL Welcome to RPUK Where our new job update included, Taxi, Trucking and Food Deliveries Which were the only legal jobs anyway......
  5. Tommo

    Lantern mc’s home!

    l always liked the look of this one, dont know how much it would cost though, its in Sandy tho not Grapeseed
  6. Tommo

    Lantern mc’s home!

    +1 Lantern MC bring a positive vibe to the server, been around for a while and roleplaying, good to see the biker scene growing. +1 for their own Clubhouse
  7. Tommo

    Low FPS in FiveM

    I picked them up from Scan lol yeah put it in 2 and 4 and enabled XMP, drivers on, i will watch the overclock videos too Thanks bro!!
  8. Tommo

    Low FPS in FiveM

    I bought the Mobo, RAM and CPU you recommended, its like a new game!! Running between 130-170fps Thanks for all your help!
  9. Tommo

    Low FPS in FiveM

    Mega thanks for your help mate!
  10. Tommo

    Low FPS in FiveM

    Corsair airflow 4000D
  11. Tommo

    Low FPS in FiveM

    Im guessing my Assassin III will be ok with this build or should i upgrade that?
  12. Tommo

    Low FPS in FiveM

    Sounds good, thanks for that mate, hopefully see an improvement with this
  13. Tommo

    Low FPS in FiveM

    I put these in my basket last night, but now i'm 50/50 as you said the corsair kits are no good
  14. Tommo

    Low FPS in FiveM

    I appreciate all your help with this mate, youve been mega. Also @Phoenix and @Gordon2 for all the help you have given
  15. Tommo

    Low FPS in FiveM

    With the bios stuff do you mean like overclocking?
  16. Tommo

    Stock Market Script

    Love this idea, will provide more activities for all populations, civ, crim, police etc. +1
  17. Tommo

    Add a tebex store

    The 35% is a good point, however, I have never donated to the server, i would however buy mulitple car wax kits, private plates, a custom phone number, a grove gas uniform, the ability to stream youtube videos on the tv in my house etc..... None of which are game breaking, or would give me an...
  18. Tommo

    Low FPS in FiveM

    I ran this benchmark, not sure if this helps? The XMP Profile has improved the situation by around 30-40 FPS, would like to push it a bit more though or play higher settings. I'm not a pro with benchmarks but im guessing this means i need a new CPU?
  19. Tommo

    Low FPS in FiveM

    I will buy a 2nd 32GB stick like what i have, is Asrock the best MB to get or should i look at any that are better with my setup?
  20. Tommo

    Low FPS in FiveM

    I will enable XMP and hope that this makes things better. I did have 2 16GB Sticks, but only one of the slots on my MB seems to be working so i bought a 32GB Stick instead.