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Illegal Hunting


Los Santos Police
A Place Which Is Unknown
Now this is only a suggestion, so please do share your thoughts and opinions on this.

When it comes to hunting you need to have a clean PNC record. You need to be cleared of 6 months without a gun charge or 3 months with an offensive weapon charge. What I want out of this is to make it so that civs/crims can hunt for leather illegally rather than waiting 3/6 months to be approved.

The RP would benefit both sides as 'Rangers' would have an opportunity to talk to the said 'Hunter' to check out if he has a license or not, as they would do normally. If the ranger finds out that they ARE illegally hunting I think they should have the power to detain the illegal hunter (Not arrest them) and get in contact with the police so they can be dealt with by the law.

Again, this is only a suggestion so any feedback or constructive criticism is welcome :)
+1 I like the thought out RP potential from this as it would allow rangers to be active and physically looking for people doing wrong. On the other hand it also offers the leather market to become more flexible as it is quite scarce at the moment as this would be created with the amount of people legally and illegally hunting. Good suggestion :)
I'm one of the deputy head rangers, and I think it's a cool idea - I have a couple of points you could think about however.

Leather at the moment is a pretty premium item. The price recently has gone up due to very high demand - Hunting takes a lot of time and effort for a fair amount of leather. This might take away from Rangers RP handing out hunting licenses, getting PNC checks and trying to oversee the hunting process. Not to mention, doing hunter inductions.
The Rangers really enjoy doing this aspect of RP. If there was no need to do any of it because anyone could go out hunting, it would impact Rangers RP massively (and take away from our cool database)

Rangers already ID check hunters to make sure the gun is legal, it's their gun & they're using it in a safe environment and properly. Having the extra stress off now checking if they're illegally hunting and getting hands every time we check someone because they're illegally hunting, would just make it not fun at all. I wouldn't care to patrol if I kept getting hands while people were shooting animals with SNS pistols.

As for adding RP with the police, I love the idea - but speaking from experience it won't happen. Rangers often call the police out in the hills, for other general emergencies, etc., and we don't get a response whenever we're up north. Not to the fault of the police, it's a long way out and resources are very limited as is.
Now, you might say 'use your bodycam' or 'use a camera' to take images - we already do that for illegal fishing and it goes nowhere. Not to mention, we don't get cameras organically, we have to beg the police for them, only to be met with resistance (which is fair on their part). The rural crime force is quite low in numbers at the moment.
As a Ranger, we can already detain people, it's a civilian arrest. However, we never do because we'd get shot. Even more so if we tried to stop someone hunting who clearly didn't have a license.
Whenever we try to investigate people illegally fishing, it results in us dying constantly. Why would I wanna RP as a Ranger and get consistently killed for trying to ban illegal hunting?

Another aspect of this that you might not be aware of is that the Rangers are not government-funded. All the funds in our account are earned through avenues of RP.
If we had no money coming in from hunting inductions, we would be bankrupt within months.
We consistently have people coming up, taking loads of things out of the armoury and never paying the bill. Sometimes we operate at a loss until we get sponsorship.

I'm not saying it's a bad point entirely, but take into consideration what I've said. If no one needed a hunting license to hunt, no one would get one. It'd ruin the leather market entirely, rangers wouldn't have fun no patrol & in my opinion, it would make it hard to enjoy being a Ranger.

Also, just for clarity - it's 6 months for a firearms charge & 3 months for a bladed article. Instead of trying to change to the wheel, why not approach the command in-game and attempt to resolve with us? I.e, challenge us on our policies and make a fun storyline out of it?
Thank you for putting your time and effort into this ExScylla, this is what I have to say about this.

Leather at the moment is a pretty premium item. The price recently has gone up due to very high demand - Hunting takes a lot of time and effort for a fair amount of leather. This might take away from Rangers RP handing out hunting licenses, getting PNC checks and trying to oversee the hunting process. Not to mention, doing hunter inductions.
The Rangers really enjoy doing this aspect of RP. If there was no need to do any of it because anyone could go out hunting, it would impact Rangers RP massively (and take away from our cool database)
At the moment leather is hard to get a hold of, whether it is friends or trying to buy it off someone. With the RP of getting a license that will still be there as people might not want to take the illegal route with it. I get you to enjoy the RP of inductions which is fair enough but if in real life there are people that do this illegally whether it's fishing, hunting or damaging nature as rangers do protect the wildlife.

Rangers already ID check hunters to make sure the gun is legal, it's their gun & they're using it in a safe environment and properly. Having the extra stress off now checking if they're illegally hunting and getting hands every time we check someone because they're illegally hunting, would just make it not fun at all. I wouldn't care to patrol if I kept getting hands while people were shooting animals with SNS pistols.
I know this already as I know people in the city who are hunters and they've told me the procedures of it all. I wouldn't call it extra stress, I would look at it as more of a reason to keep your guard up and for it to provide more RP than you already have as a ranger. With you saying about getting hands up every time for checking on someone, as long as it's high-quality RP for both sides I don't think it would be an issue. Police and G6 deal with the same situation day in and day out with getting hands for their items or they're getting kidnapped and then killed. If there is really good RP behind every kidnapping or execution I wouldn't have an issue as this is an RP server after all, not a job simulator.

As for adding RP with the police, I love the idea - but speaking from experience it won't happen. Rangers often call the police out in the hills, for other general emergencies, etc., and we don't get a response whenever we're up north. Not to the fault of the police, it's a long way out and resources are very limited as is.
Now, you might say 'use your bodycam' or 'use a camera' to take images - we already do that for illegal fishing and it goes nowhere. Not to mention, we don't get cameras organically, we have to beg the police for them, only to be met with resistance (which is fair on their part). The rural crime force is quite low in numbers at the moment.
As a Ranger, we can already detain people, it's a civilian arrest. However, we never do because we'd get shot. Even more so if we tried to stop someone hunting who clearly didn't have a license.
Whenever we try to investigate people illegally fishing, it results in us dying constantly. Why would I wanna RP as a Ranger and get consistently killed for trying to ban illegal hunting?
I agree with the Police side of RP as it will benefit them also, but you never know, potentially It could happen. I mean I know police deal with crimes and such as in the city but there is also a PD station in the city and I know that most of the units or officers do not always hang around there. (But would be great to see some more action from them in Paleto as it is very small). I didn't know you could detain someone as a Ranger but like I said about the Police being informed if you did get successful detain on them, it would bring rp to all 3 parties (hunter, ranger, pd). If police do nothing about what you're trying to do, then maybe 'take matters into your own hands' ;). I'm not saying become corrupt but more say teach them a lesson to not do anything illegal, maybe RP it as a ranger that has a really bad problem with illegals, if you get what I mean? You state why would you want to RP as a ranger to always be killed and ban things, but you can say the same thing about Police, Taxi drivers, and all kinds of jobs that will get you killed every time, for money, for items or potentially good RP.
Another aspect of this that you might not be aware of is that the Rangers are not government-funded. All the funds in our account are earned through avenues of RP.
If we had no money coming in from hunting inductions, we would be bankrupt within months.
We consistently have people coming up, taking loads of things out of the armoury and never paying the bill. Sometimes we operate at a loss until we get sponsorship.
To be honest no, I did not know that you weren't government funded. So this does explain the induction fees etc etc. If you have people taking loads of things out, I am sure that you have a log of that certain player doing it and if questioned in RP about it and they don't want to pay etc, revoke their license or maybe inform the police and get them fined for stealing property then fund it back into your system?
I'm not saying it's a bad point entirely, but take into consideration what I've said. If no one needed a hunting license to hunt, no one would get one. It'd ruin the leather market entirely, rangers wouldn't have fun no patrol & in my opinion, it would make it hard to enjoy being a Ranger.
Like I said, I am here for the suggestions and feedback of others and I get where you are coming from with what you're saying. I was saying it how it was from my perspective.

Also, just for clarity - it's 6 months for a firearms charge & 3 months for a bladed article. Instead of trying to change to the wheel, why not approach the command in-game and attempt to resolve with us? I.e, challenge us on our policies and make a fun storyline out of it?
I thought it was a 'bladed article' my bad. I did approach the rangers in the city and try to convince them to take me on as I've changed and tried to swindle them. I was going to go down the route of bribery in RP too but I didn't. Maybe we will see what Lozza does in the future and hopefully, he will get his license ;).

Thank you for your response.
Leather at the moment is a pretty premium item. The price recently has gone up due to very high demand - Hunting takes a lot of time and effort for a fair amount of leather. This might take away from Rangers RP handing out hunting licenses, getting PNC checks and trying to oversee the hunting process. Not to mention, doing hunter inductions.
The Rangers really enjoy doing this aspect of RP. If there was no need to do any of it because anyone could go out hunting, it would impact Rangers RP massively (and take away from our cool database)
A way to get around this is having it so that if you are "clocked on" as a hunter, you have better skill to get more leather from "training". Hunting illegally you would never having training for and therefore wont get the most amount of leather.

I dont want to butt in, but +1 to illegal hunting but -1 from removing the RP aspect from Rangers.
A way to get around this is having it so that if you are "clocked on" as a hunter, you have better skill to get more leather from "training". Hunting illegally you would never having training for and therefore wont get the most amount of leather.

I dont want to butt in, but +1 to illegal hunting but -1 from removing the RP aspect from Rangers.
I'm here for opinions mate, anybody can butt in. I'm all open to people's different perspectives on it. :))
From my point of view, the RP for the Rangers can vary, I do feel like the rp will be endured still. But it depends on who is giving it. I know some people find the server as a frag/win mentality kind of server, but from me playing as Lozza, I have given nothing but good RP to everyone who I have come across. Feel free to add why you think it would remove the RP from Rangers like Scylla has, I am happy to hear mate. There are 1000 ways to skin a cat, so there's a 1000 ways to rp a situation ;)
I like the idea, but I feel like this could also be handled in RP if the Rangers had the power to give licenses to those with a bit of a criminal background. There's no corruption rules for Rangers, but apparently from my attempts in RP, the PNC checks are mandated by the Police. Rangers being paid off to allow for licenses boosts their funds and also opens other avenues of RP both with investigations from the police, should they show an interest and with criminal/ranger relations.
A way to get around this is having it so that if you are "clocked on" as a hunter, you have better skill to get more leather from "training". Hunting illegally you would never having training for and therefore wont get the most amount of leather.

I dont want to butt in, but +1 to illegal hunting but -1 from removing the RP aspect from Rangers.
I was about to comment with something similar.

I think this could be rolled in nicely whenever the update to hunting is released that adds the skill for it. Valid license and clocked in - you can progress and get the bonuses from the skill, 'pocahing' you get the standard amount.
I also think hunting could use some sort of 'durability' stat for the killed animal if that's possible. Reward clean kills to the head and chest with a rifle and penalise ROADKILL or other methods with less yield.
I was about to comment with something similar.

I think this could be rolled in nicely whenever the update to hunting is released that adds the skill for it. Valid license and clocked in - you can progress and get the bonuses from the skill, 'pocahing' you get the standard amount.
I also think hunting could use some sort of 'durability' stat for the killed animal if that's possible. Reward clean kills to the head and chest with a rifle and penalise ROADKILL or other methods with less yield.
I like your idea of a skill tree being added, the higher the level, the more amount of leather you accumulate.
it would remove the RP from Rangers like Scylla has, I am happy to hear mate.
The reason I feel it would remove RP from the Rangers is that everyone would go for the illegal hunting path because they arent managed by anyone then and free to do whatever and therefore wouldnt have to go down the long application process and DB checks.

From a balance POV, if this was to be implemented, gunshot reports should go through to the Police if A) not in a hunting area (when there are locals around) or B) not registered to have the Firearm (Rangers could check this and inform Police but rangers have never been in close contact to Police via radio etc...) If certain Ranger Command could have a better way to contact the Police, this would work swimmingly without the dispatches but not everything is that easy ;)
The reason I feel it would remove RP from the Rangers is that everyone would go for the illegal hunting path because they arent managed by anyone then and free to do whatever and therefore wouldnt have to go down the long application process and DB checks.
I do see where you're coming from but if people are going down the route of waiting 1-6 months because of a gun charge (yes it might be their fault) don't you think that they will choose this path instead? But if the Rangers do come across anyone illegally hunting I feel like they would have the right to accumulate a tazer (if not given one already) and disarm them quickly that way. Again more RP for the Rangers as they would have to get in contact with the police to discuss said behaviour for illegally hunting.
From a balance POV, if this was to be implemented, gunshot reports should go through to the Police if A) not in a hunting area (when there are locals around) or B) not registered to have the Firearm (Rangers could check this and inform Police but rangers have never been in close contact to Police via radio etc...) If certain Ranger Command could have a better way to contact the Police, this would work swimmingly without the dispatches but not everything is that easy ;)
I agree with the dispatch reports BUT, don't you think the illegal hunters would just run over the animals and skin them that way, then when they do get approached by a ranger they flee the scene? If rangers and police had a certain freq like NHS and LSFD that would be nice to see. But we shall see what happens ;)
I like your idea of a skill tree being added, the higher the level, the more amount of leather you accumulate.
Apparently it's going to be done at some point: