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Pendrew WInters


Well-known member
Somewhere in the Atlantic ocean
Alas its good to be back and in the light of a better community. 

I do miss the old Altis days of Athira constabulary and the dreaded words of "hop on squad" (Quickly outlawed) but i am eager and looking forward to seeing all the good that can come from los santos. 

As of yesterday i have nothing but good things to say about all the people i have met, Never have i ever had such a friendly and supportive amount of people take time out of their day to assist this nit wit in simpleton matters. 

So i look forward to seeing more of what's to come , Thankyou and see you in the streets.


"Oh yeah its big brain time"

Was a pleasure to meet you and show you how to buy a phone, even though you thought I was going to rob you! 🙂 

Hopefully you get on well in the city! 
