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  1. Bigbc

    Import swap

    So my thought process here is atm everyone who has a import is kinda stuck with said import(s) and its been around about a year since we got told that we cant do anything with imports due to the Cease & Desist. now for people who have these imports could we trade them with other people with said...
  2. Bigbc

    Add the griddy and floss

    +1 for the griddy and floss
  3. Bigbc

    Walking Sticks (and other medical items for RP purposes)

    +1 , I agree with this, it would be better for it to be a worn item so that people cant be robbed for these and have to wait a few days for HMU 
  4. Bigbc

    Compensation Request - Bigbc - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Chad Dillon Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198338188307 Character ID: 82832 The date when this happened: 10/16/23 The time when this happened: 20.38 Please provide full detail and evidence: sat down at table and put 45k got 20 which i was gonna win but...
  5. Bigbc

    Compensation Request - Bigbc - GTA RP

    @Danoo sorry lad I don't didnt think id need a longer one tbh i ended up dealing with something out of city for work and just logged out 
  6. Bigbc

    Compensation Request - Bigbc - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Chad Dillon Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198338188307 Character ID: 82832 The date when this happened: 10/09/23 The time when this happened: 11:51 Please provide full detail and evidence: sat down at casino put 200k chips down and it doubled it ( which...
  7. Bigbc

    Compensation Request - Bigbc - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Chad Dillon Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198338188307 Character ID: 82832 The date when this happened: 10/08/23 The time when this happened: 14:45 Please provide full detail and evidence: sat down at casino put 150k chips down it put full 300k down and...
  8. Bigbc

    Compensation Request - Bigbc - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Chad Dillon Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198338188307 Character ID: 82832 The date when this happened: 10/02/23 Please provide full detail and evidence: Was sitting at blackjack table put 100k down didn't bring out any cards then instead of standing...